Friday, November 06, 2015

A one-legged -beggar in Liverpool.Today shook my hand......

Me & Cath went back to Liverpool today.
(We were there a couple of weeks ago.)  Got me a mess of  discount tickets from Northern Rail which 'need using. ......
Although we both had the start of Colds (& I had toothache) If not used today....,they would be  lost .
So,....... we  went to the Bluecoat Museum.
[Not been there since 1976 when i saw a film there with His Drayness .]
 It pissed down. Beggars sat in puddles. England's shame.
 Outside Job Centre Plus+ a man with one-leg was begging.I gave him(after much searching) a 50p coin. I told him it was all the change I had on me .
 He shook my hand. I could have cried as i left him.....a proud man ,who stands taller than i ever will........
This country is a mess......

via GROK !