Friday, September 23, 2016

Corbyn Wins

In last week's post I shared my photos & videos of Angela Clarke's 60th Birthday at The Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
 This week ,I share an image kindly   taken &  permitted me by local friend & photographer Roger O'Doherty.
Thank You Roger.
It captures the moment Jeremy Corbyn's victory was announced on the Big Screen at The Trades Club on Saturday.
 Angela can be seen stood at the back,her hands raised in celebration!

Friday, September 02, 2016

i voted today:I' will see you in hell

Sea of Heartbreak for Him,You or Me?
 I really do not know yet,too early to tell....
.But ,anyway    here,   is a profile of the last living Englishman with any sort of real ammunition left......
See how this fine band nearly busted Me & Cathy's eardrums in Rochdale .This is modern England. it is not  pastorial anymore..... zimnoch.s

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here