Wednesday, March 29, 2017

the thickman of europe

The irony is that I  have never been a big fan of Europe.Under different circumstances: at a different time,I would probably have voted "out"too. But not at this time:with these people.
They are going to fuck us royally.
Maternity Right: Sickness Benefits .Pay  etal etc
You Stupid  Fuckers.........

Saturday, March 25, 2017

museum of childhood......

".....It means a fallow field in winter 
When frost is on the land
 when the fox is on the run down by the riverside 
where the furrow meets the sun 
where the furrow hugs the riverbank 
and nothing can be done...."

Another Jackie Leven song ."Museum of Childhood".Live: 

what me mam taught me (reprise)

 This is slightly redacted , replenished  &   republished version of a post I first published in July 2013. See the original [here:]

I dont know how my image for this week's Sepia Saturday. fits the Theme.......It's a group of people.They share a common purpose (unknown).It's not not prescriptive,you can imagine your own narrative around it.I find it hopeful in a strange sense.I also cant help thinking it compliments Mike Garry's words ......................
I dont know anything about the image itself, other than it was taken in 1967.In South Parade Halifax.
When his Mum died two months ago, Michael Garry's family asked him to write this poem for her funeral .He also read it on stage at The Hebden Bridge Picture House on Sunday 30th June.(which i recorded for you here). Michael is from Fallowfield in Manchester.

{In The Interest of Balance, here is some beautiful writing to celebrate a Father.}
 thanks again to Bob Piper for  your help.( he kindly donated free tickets for me & Cathy).
John Cooper Clarke was as funny as fuck! A grand night.
'above poetryis  by Robert Montgomery. See some of his other stuff [here:]

Friday, March 24, 2017

me mam

"Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation."

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here