Friday, November 19, 2021

he knew all the journey's fortresses

Rune stone, Kungshållet, Kjula, Södermanland, Sweden in 1929. 

 The inscription reads:  

‘Alrik, Sigrid’s son, raised the stone in memory of his father Spjut, who had been in the west, broken down and fought in townships. He knew all the journey’s fortresses.’“


A very old friend is being seen for lung cancer. I've been supporting them in Huddersfield & Leeds these weeks..... The audio is a very rare Beatles outtake.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Basket In The Pool

Full Concert :

Nothing to report. Very quiet atm.

Been full of cold & Sinus .Hey-Hoy This is Phil Och in Hollywood in 1970

Friday, November 05, 2021

Gram Parsons

80 minutes long. A lovely tribute. Gram's Birthday Today ( 1946) Walter Egan & the Grampyres with Chris James The 5 Spot Nashville, TN November 5, 2010 Hee-Haw ( etc etc)

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here