Saturday, April 27, 2024

P K D.

Me and a box of 40+ novels by Philip K Dick given to me by Phil Davidson's wife Iris


Phil the Ex-Fireman in THe Marble Arch in Manchester .....

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Phil Davidson 's Wake In Halifax


After Phil's Wake in Halifax yesterday . 
Prior to the Wake, there was a private family Celebration of his life at The Chapel of Rest .
 I led the Speeches at this event and spoke on behalf of the Family...

"......Hi , I'm Tony .
 On behalf of Iris, Rowena ,Bryn and all the family, I would like to thank you all for coming here today . ( Read Out Printed Running Order ) 
After me , both Sam & Jasmin wll also speak about Phil. Plus Brian has kindly put together a Slide Show of Phil's Life . 
Also the Family have selected some of Phil's Music Tracks for you to hear...Also to remind you that you are invited to a Wake For Phil at the Old Post Office Pub ay 1pm ( just a short walk down the road from here ) 
Now Me & Phil were friends for over 60 years.Aged 11 ,we first met in 1963 at Clare Hall School ( just 100 yards from here: just up the road). We all have our different personal memories of being with Phil. I've been asked to tell you some of mine.But how can you cover 60 years in 5 minutes!?
 Enough to say that I thought he was the best friend I ever had.
 I was telling Bryn last week that I never met anybody who ever had a bad word to say about him ( a very rare thing! )' I knew Phil through School, and when he joined the Army ( eg serving in Belfast ) .When he was in the Fire Service : and when he worked for The Royal Mail .
 I knew his Mum & Dad .(Bob & Madge) I also know his two children ( Bryn & Rowena) . And of course his Wife Iris who I have seen ( especially recently ) give him total Love & Support during his Illness . I dont really have the words to describe my admiration for that support she gave to him . A very brief history of some of my times. with Phil. 
Aged 16 I went with him to Ireland .First staying with his family there on The Falls Road , then ,afterwards hitch hiking & camping all the way to Dublin . I dont remember much about the trip other than Wild Swimming in Loch Neigh : Us both meeting Mike Love from the Beach Boys in a Youth Hostel somewhere onroute and Staying in a Youth Hostel in Dublin opposite the city's Womens Prison ( we were two 16 year old lads and that seemed very important to us at the time!).....other than that, I dont remember much as we were a mostly pissed! 
A year earlier 6 of us lads from Clare Hall stayed in a Caravan in Great Yarmouth ( the first time either Phil or me have ever been on a holiday without our parents ) Id love to tell you more but " What Happens in Great Yarmouth , Stays in Great Yarmouth" ;) 
Over the years, we took other trips together including The EastEnd of London ( which I think started his love of West Ham United?), Youth Hostelling in The Lakes:;Walking The Pennine Way together:
 Phil also taught me to drive although ,afterwards he was a passenger when my wheel dropped off on Odsal Roundabout ( opposite the old Police Station there) And on the M60 my car stalled in the 4th lane & the bonnet flew up blinding us.Phil had to get out & help push the car across traffic onto the Hard Shoulder . I think Phil probably wished he hadnt taught me to drive at all after that! So Many Other Memories! Buy me a drink at The Wake and I might tell you more! 
Other than that just one more story . When me Ken & Phil went out drinking in our later years in Halifax or Manchester ( Think "Last Of The Summer Wine") We would tell each other stories about "Famous People We Have Met ". Phil would always win that competition by dining out on the time that,in the Fire Service, he was doing ( some sort of) Safety Inspection at the Shay/ Halifax Town ( again just up the road from here).He went up to Brian Clough and asked him to move from the pitch. Clough told him "Young Man Please F-Off". Instead of being upset , Phil was so Proud and went around proudly telling his collegues. 
Anyway Phil .I will miss you but feel honored to have been your friend. 
Finally .The Family have asked me to read this out to you. "IF LOVE COULD HAVE SAVED YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE LIVED FOREVER " ? 
Plus Diary ? then Sam & Jasmin......"and Toast at the end with Bryn

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here