Friday, December 31, 2010

who am I when there is a sea?

A raindrop,dripping from a cloud,
Was ashamed when it saw the sea.
'Who am I when there is a sea?' it said.
When it saw itself with the eye of humility,
A shell nurtured it in its embrace.
They say that toddlers often enjoy playing more with the box the Christmas present came in rather than the present itself! Not so Me. Before Christmas , I bought myself the present of a negative scanner from the new Aldi's thats just opened next door to The Rochdale Hammam.I was royally pissed -off when I opened the box on Christmas Day to find it empty.
Yesterday I returned to complain.I now have the contents!
The first old negative ( 4x4 inches)I scanned was the above.It gave me quite a jolt.I think it was taken in Perth,Scotland.Late 1880's/early 1890's? I have never seen a photo before of my Great-Grandmother, but it must be her, she looks so much like My Mum  that its a bit disturbing.given the stern look on her face.
This is a Sepia Saturday Post.

My Thanks to Labour Councillor Bob Piper for these nice words.
+I Want To Send Some New Year Love To The Beautiful KAZ.
In Manchester.

Me in Hebden Bridge
