Tuesday, July 02, 2013

what me Mam taught me.
(odeio bala de boyyacha taca halls)

I dont know how my image for this week's Sepia Saturday. fits the Theme.......It's a group of people.They share a common purpose (unknown).It's not not prescriptive,you can imagine your own narrative around it.I find it hopeful in a strange sense.I also cant help thinking it compliments Mike Garry's words ......................
I dont know anything about the image itself, other than it was taken in 1967.In South Parade Halifax.
When his Mum died two months ago, Michael Garry's family asked him to write this poem for her funeral .He also read it on stage at The Hebden Bridge Picture House on Sunday 30th June.(which i recorded for you here). Michael is from Fallowfield in Manchester.
{In The Interest of Balance, here is some beautiful writing to celebrate a Father.}
For some reason (?) on some browsers,this don't play to above audio automatically...if you don't hear it ;here is a direct link for it. you may find Michael's facebook here I have started loading images of the night here although one long video is a pig to download/takes ages...& is not on yet.I also have quite a bit of audio (example above) tho I havnt got around to doing anything with it yet. thanks again to Bob Piper for  your help.I will wrap up an audio cd for you at the end of this week. .John Cooper Clarke was as funny as fuck! A grand night.
+I'm am checking out the http://godisamanc.wordpress.com blog today........
CITY FOLK - Mike Garry from CITY FOLK 

A video I took of John Cooper Clarke in Hebden Bridge last Sunday night
My Beautiful Friend Regina Barja Fidalgo in Brazil showed this image.......
 She was explaining it to me this week.I asked for a translation.........she said.... 
"ye tonynho, BULLET in Portuguese can mean bullet or candy, hall is a breath mint, eucalyptus, so they prefer halls mentolyptos xxxxxxxx"
(When I say Friend.I mean friend).As with several other people on the internet .........i have been talking to her for nearly ten years, on various platforms.The irony of the internet is that although its quick to find people:but equally quick to "lose" them.In some respects,it's harder to keep in touch this way.But we have!

P K D.

Me and a box of 40+ novels by Philip K Dick given to me by Phil Davidson's wife Iris   Bio Phil the Ex-Fireman in THe Marble Arch in ...