Friday, June 14, 2019


6 of my old photos around the theme of church
See other sepia saturday posts  here:

Published by Alan Burnett  . It is nowt  to do with me ( i even had to pay for my own copy!) Any further info can be got from Alan Via:

Monday, May 27, 2019

and wrap it up in a sailor’s knot

Even from her "grave", Theresa May continues to  poison the well!
I voted Labour & still support Jeremy Corbyn 100%
I have dear friends (usually Labour voters) who voted for both The Brexit Party and Liberal Democrats last Thursday.
 Be careful what you wish for my friends..............dont forget Europe's drift to the right (e.g. Le Penn).Ironically, given this was a 'European Election', nobody on the telly has once mentoned "Europe"!


P K D.

Me and a box of 40+ novels by Philip K Dick given to me by Phil Davidson's wife Iris   Bio Phil the Ex-Fireman in THe Marble Arch in ...