Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ralph Winston Fox.

“He is ignored by the Dictionary of National Biography and Encyclopaedia Britannica. There is no portrait of him in the National Portrait Gallery. He is a man largely without honour in his native town and despite obituary notices in most of the major newspapers, and a memorial service attended by 1,500 people.............."............the only memorial to Fox which exists in Halifax is a small plaque on a bench at Bull Green – on which the date of his death is incorrectly recorded...............[from:]
n.b. The ßench is outside what used to be the main Gents Public Toilet in the town !One the other hand, the Spanish recently put up a monument to him in the town of Lopera where he was killed.Sort of proves J.C.'s point that "a prophet has no honor in his own country". ?

The Great Halifax Marxist Writer&Fighter Ralph Winston Fox. I also have a copy (somewhere!)of an unpublished dissertation I helped research 15 years ago on his Life & an out-of-print copy of one of his novels ,if you wish to borrow?


Brian Miller said...

i hope that you and yours have an amazing new year tony!

ArtSparker said...

A pleasure to know you, sir. Random rules!

Maybe next time you could claim to be the new Doctor Who.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year from Idaho! Great to see Alan, & loved the tram video--also liked you have all the photos very much.

Frank Partisan said...

I started reading some of the Ralph Fox.

Did you ever meet Ted Grant?

Ronda Laveen said...

Yes, there is a theme in the randomness. Happy 2010 to you, Tony.

tony said...

I was a member of Militant in Liverpool 1976-1979.I knew of Ted but,sadly, I never met Him.

tony said...

I must have disapointed Alan as i was drinking Lager.Alan (of course) was on Real Ale.

tony said...

That Was Part Of The Intention..........!:)

The Mistress said...

Happy New Year, Tony!

You'll be ringing it in 8 hours ahead of me.

Tess Kincaid said...

What a great pic of Alan. How fun to meet him in person.

Warm, woolly wishes, to you and yours, Tony, for a wonderful 2010~! ((xx))

Dominic Rivron said...

"... they drank all night and were so high in swearing, ranting at the Crosse that they were heard far in the town." Is it still that good?

Happy New Year!

tony said...

No It Was Bloody Dead!Twas Only Me & Alan In The Place.The Crosse's swearing+ ranting days seems to have passed.....

Anonymous said...

Well done sir! As I aired on Alan's blog; looks like you two had a grand time of it, yes?

But kinda sad about Mr. Fox. Imagine...

Cheers to you and yours for a prosperous new year, tony :)

Ed & Jeanne said...

Well, my blog roll starts anew tomorrow. I'd be honored if you participate again in 2010. Leave a comment and you're on the blog roll! Thanks for visiting and commenting in 2009.

DJ Kirkby said...

Happy New Year you lovely man. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony. I don't drop by very often because my computer doesn't seem to like loading your blog- I think I need more RAM or something. But wishing you all the best for 2010 and thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog in the last year.

Candie said...

Happy New Year Tony!All the best for 2010!

Akelamalu said...

Happy New Year to you Tony - I hope it's a good one for you :)

white rabbit said...

Beau Bo D'Or rocks!!!

Happy new year :D

Coffee Messiah said...

Interesting link and all the best to you and your family!

Remember, once you settle into Italy, if ya need a barista and cook, ya know where 2 find us ; )


Betsy Brock said...

Loved reading your post and Alans about your meeting. That must have really been fun. I have a few blog friends I'd really love to must be a surreal feeling. So, Tony, when are you coming to the states? ;)

Dominic Rivron said...

Just been checking out your links. I'll have to seek out Ralph Fox's memorial bench next time I'm down in West Yorks.

tony said...

here is a photo of the Bench in Bull Green.

𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐬

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