Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mum & Dad.

It's a paradox.I,ve been posting quite a bit recently.I was going to visit & comment  on your blogs......(I have a backlog).Do you find that visiting & commenting takes up more time than actually creating your own posts?Anyway, I had set aside this Saturday morning to do this l.However, a charming roofer from Bradford came this morning  at check a leak.He was straight out of Last Of The Summer Wine!Soooo.....he was chatting for 3 hours & the morning has gone!
Me & Cathy are off to Manchester this afternoon & staying-over until Sunday ( It's Don & Margarets Silver Wedding gig).I will try & catch up on my return.
Next week I visit Bob in Bacup to help him set up his own blogspot.Also on Wednesday I stop over at Steve's in Shaw......a pissup in Royton!
See other Sepia Saturday posts here

This is a captured still from an 8mm film.It was taken in Poland in 1965.
My Dad had been away from his home village since WW2 ,25 years previously.
My Grandma was dying.He had come home to see her for the last time.
In this photo he is pointing out to my Mum a stream he used to play in as a child.


Brian Miller said...

what a cool pic...interesting how the film changes the pic just a bit...

Barlinnie said...

Memories are precious indeed pal.

Anonymous said...

Looks dramatic - almost like they're directing manouvres.

Vicki Lane said...

Kind of impressionistic! Nice!

Kurt said...

I have a rule of only commenting on blogs that I like. Makes things easier.

Roy said...

Wow! That really makes an interesting effect. And I remember 8mm with much affection; a friend of mine and I used to shoot 8mm movies for school projects back around '67 and '68. Heh, heh. We put a bunch of us in togas and poured tomato sauce all over one guy to film the assassination scene from Julius Caesar, and a passerby thought we were beating him up and tried to intervene!

Great post, Tony!

Zuzana said...

Ah yes, the only day that I really have time to carefully read and savor the blogs of my friends is on Saturday - the rest of the week I feel so guilty as i usually only skim through their posts.
Now, that was a confession I guess.;)
Lovely picture of your parents. And I like the story as well.
And I love "The Last of The Summer Wine".
Have a good weekend,

Martin said...

Something a little out of the ordinary Tony. I like it.

You're not alone in finding it takes ages to read and comment on the blogs of others. You just have to stick with it. They're too good to miss!

Xmichra said...

it does take a long time to catch up. I had been out of the bloggin-loop for ages, and now trying to catch up has been hard! But it's worth it, when there are this many cool and interesting people to read ;)

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

I had no idea we could make stills out of 8 mm movies. Thanks for the tip as I have some old film reels myself.
Evelyn in Montreal

Anonymous said...

One of the things I like about Facebook is that you can just click the "Like" button so that your friends know you've been there.

Anonymous said...

This is a great still shot. You can still feel the action of your father's gesture.
Happy Anniversary to Don and Margaret!

JamaGenie said...

I'm wondering how you captured that great still from 8mm? I've had good success with turning negatives from Brownie cameras (from the 1950s) and 35mm film into positive images with my scanner and a good editing program. I'm guessing it'd work the same for 8mm. I do love the effect in this one, tho!

As for visiting other blogs, I set aside a morning or afternoon every other day or so and drop in o favorites and explore new ones I found along the way. I *never* make it through an entire day's new postings, and don't even try to!

Tess Kincaid said...

The still shot of your parents from the video has such a marvelous dream-like quality to it. Maybe like the memories you have of them, Tony, in your mind's eye?

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

enjoy your weekend Tony!

Dominic Rivron said...

Sometimes I find I get quite absorbed writing comments on other people's blogs and spend my online time doing that rather than writing posts of my own. And if I get absorbed, I find I've only visited 2 or 3 blogs and commented on them.

I've just visited Poetikat's, for example, and spent a few minutes googling old films and history from the 1940s. Just as interesting as writing a post of my own, really.

Betsy Brock said...

The film still is AWESOME! wow...I love the look of it!

Anonymous said...

This is great of your dad and mum some 45 years ago. Having this still frame is quite a treasure, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing!
:) The Bach

Christine H. said...

I like the way the still turned out. It definitely has an air of mystery.

The Silver Fox said...

Very nice story behind the photo.

It can be frustrating trying to post to your own blog while trying to keep up with others' blogs at the same time, as I lamented in a recent post of my own.

Subby said...

Nice bit of work on this, tony.

And I spend about the same amount of time on drafts vs. reading the other blogs...and I'm not prone to comment on all of them, either. Then does depend on how far behind I get.

lettuce said...

I do like the photo, it really suggests a story and history

Yes, I find its the reading and commenting which takes the time. It is, though, the best bit for me

white rabbit said...

I genuinely like to read what other people have written but sometimes it can seem a little like 'doing the rounds'.

But you are doing a quality blog, sir. Keep up the good work!

Alan Burnett said...

I am always getting behind with my commenting and yes it does tend to take time. Sometimes I just take a day off posting so I can visit as many as I can. I love the way that the snatched photograph can still give rise to memories and stories. And I echo what others have said - your blog is always a pleasure to read so keep posting and don't worry too much about falling behind with comments.

Joanne Casey said...

Hope you had a nice weekend, Tony.

What a lovely still.

Bob Mac said...

Hello Tony!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on my blog, it's makes me soo happy.

Your blogs is, as usual, full of inspiration and I want to wish you a Happy Easter!

Agneta, Sweden