Friday, July 16, 2010

pretending to board a ship

This is a Sepia Saturday post.
A photo of Me.Taken by My Mum?Leith Docks.Early 1960s.
I've always had trouble with  naff jackets! No taste at all! This one must have been during my "Biggles Phase"?


Brian Miller said...

loving the jacket tony...great pic!

Anonymous said...

you didnt board that ship??? really???

ArtSparker said...

You were a profoundly skeptical-looking child.

tony said...

Susan .I was also a profoundly bespectacled -looking child!
Faery.Around the time this photo was taken we were learning in school about Pirates + Pressganging.Maybe I worried about ending up a cabinboy for the following 40 years.
Brain, your taste in Jackets is as bad as mine!

Roy said...

The whole outfit has me awed - the jacket, the shorts, and are those leggings? You look more like you were getting ready to hop on a motorcycle than board a ship! This is great.

tony said...

Roy! West Yorkshiremen dont do leggings! Did Marlon Brando wear leggings ON THE WATERFRONT? I think not!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Love the shoes and the above comment;-)

Tess Kincaid said...

This is the BEST. You haven't changed a bit, Tony.xx

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture! Mom's always wanted the best poses for their photos : )

Martin said...

It's a great shot. And that jacket makes it!

tony said...

I have very little memory of this photo being taken.other than, I felt very small & the ship seemed huge.

Zuzana said...

What a great picture, you were (still are!) a cute boy;) Hope this Saturday is is treating you well,

Alan Burnett said...

Where the heck do ships sail to from Leith? I would have thought that once a ship had found its way to Leith there was nowhere else to go.

white rabbit said...

Aren't you pretending to unboard the ship?

Mr Pedantic

ps The nearest I have been to death was at Liverpool docks as a child (2 or 3) as I decided to wander under where a large metal side door (or whatever they call it) was about just to be lowered from a ship. The pic reawoke that dim memory.

Kurt said...

Nice shoe/sock pairing.

North County Film Club said...

You look like you're saying " O.K. I'm striking the pose now take the damn picture"! But you probably didn't say damn at that age.
It really is a wonderful picture.

Vicki Lane said...

Wonderful picture -- quite the snappy dresser you were!

Unknown said...

Fun picture--& love ArtSparker's comment! Have a fine weekend!

Nancy said...

Indeed, you don't look very comfortable or happy in the photo. I am in awe of the shorts, the socks, and the shoes. I wish I could enlarge the photo to see it closer!

Tattered and Lost said...

A really interesting photo. I love the movement of it. The geometric shapes, the lines. Your eyeglasses repeated in the port holes. Great shot!

Unknown said...

Looks like you were about to outdo the now well known Harry Potter; this photo looks so good with the black and white....striking.

Coffee Messiah said...

Great photo.

Someone in our family has a picture of me on a schooner, one at the maritime museum in SF standing, trying to hold the wheel that turns the boat. This shot reminds me of it, and I was probably near the same age as you when taken.

Those were some days, eh?

Hope all is well with you and yours!


Terri Buster said...

You look spiffy! And so SERIOUS!!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hi Toni, great memories. You were a serious looking boy. It looks like there is some mischievousness in your stance, just dare me!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, I thought maybe this was a set they had at the county fair.LOL It is perfect for SS.

tony said...

Most Of The Photos I have of me as a kid I am smiling.Here,i think, I am trying to be "Serious& Grownup" for some reason..........My Grandfather was a sailor and abandoned my Mum when she was only a year old.Maybe this photo says more about her than me?

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

That is as awesome picture, I like your stance and energy.

How time flys...

Bruno Laliberté said...

AH, AH!!
neat dresser!!!
that's a keeper!!!

Betsy Brock said...

I can tell it's you! I whole outfit is quirky and adorable! xo

Comelybankingcrisis said...

Great photo! Lovely to see a bit of Leith too. It was actually my plan to walk to Leith Docks yesterday, but I'm afraid to say I got out of bed too late and watched TV instead... Shambles!

Anonymous said...

No problem with the jacket itself - it's the top and bottom combination that is a challenge.
@Comelybankingcrisis - Leith Docks will still be there tomorrow, but a nice sleep-in might not be. Good choice.

Akelamalu said...

Were you going to stowaway? ;)

Dominic Rivron said...

Ah! Shorts and sandals. Those were the days... How long do Biggles phases last?

Joanne Casey said...

Very Topgun, Tony!

tony said...

Joanne.More Top Cat than Top Gun....Dominic, My 'Biggles Phase' Seemed to Fly-By.......

Cherie said...

You are a doll!!

Ann ODyne said...

Gosh this is a fabulous blog - variety! Intrigue!
I followed you home from Rivron's when we commented simultaneously though we are hemispheres distant.
peace and love
and sandy denny and acid.

via GROK !