Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Polaroid Photo taken (By My Mum?By My Dad?) on the morning of 6th July 1977.It's in the Garden of my parents house in Halifax.
It must have been early morning.My Dad later would drive me & my Mum to The University of Lancaster to a degree awards.I was to recieve my Bachelor of Education Gong..
I had been out drinking & smoking the previous night & was a little hungover.The photo almost seems to mirror my inner-state.Digs those trippy flowers!
I remember being very proud of myself. The Duchess of Kent did the awarding.The first & only member of The Royal Family I have met,shaken hands with & spoken too.She died 13 months later from a brain tumour.She seemed very nice
A month after this photo was taken I moved to live in The East End of London to begin my teaching.
This is a Sepia Saturday post.


mouse (aka kimy) said...

you look none the worse for wear - ah sweet youth!

i bet you broke a lot of your students' hearts....

Xmichra said...

That is a really great memory... even if it is hazy! ;)

I like the black blog (voted), I didn't think that I would (you seem more a bright person), but it is nice for your photos. Either Black or grey I think would work nicely.

Anonymous said...

That is a great photo...the colors are fantastic! You look very serious, not hungover. Quintessentially late 70's looking : )

Kat Mortensen said...

You look straight out of "In the Name of the Father" to me.
Trippy flowers and trippy lapels!


Brian Miller said...

nice. like the makeover here tony...and the pic...yeah it fits well..smiles.

Akelamalu said...

Oh great pic Tony - love the wide collar on your shirt, very fashionable!

Unknown said...

Perfect for the occasion. Your soul was showing through. Pretty neat photo.

Tattered and Lost said...

Quite psychedelic.

Kurt said...

Looks like an album cover.

tony said...

Ah.......had things been in little different, it could have been Crosby Stills Nash & Zimnoch OR,EVEN,Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mitch & Tony
Alas.The World Was Spared.

Unknown said...

I bet the taker of the pic couldn't get such an effect trying! Cool photo.

Christine H. said...

Beautiful accident. Are you sure the photographer wasn't taking LSD?

Alan said...

Drinking? I saw you park the car that morning.

Zuzana said...

Loved that picture of you, you look so handsome.;) These kind of pictures, out of focus and of questionable quality are the absolute best as they capture the essence of time.;)
Imagine, I was ten when that taken.;)
Have a great Sunday dear Tony,

Alan Burnett said...

That photograph is just perfect, I doubt whether you could have created a better image of you and your times even if you had sat down with paints a canvass and a RA portrait artist. I had an interview at Lancaster but went for Keele instead : I couldn't face living in Morecambe.

tony said...

Polish Drivers Rule Alan!

What I forgot to mention was i went to College (4 years ) In Liverpool C.F. Mott but got the Degree from Lancaster .

tony said...


lettuce said...

that is a trippy photo
can't quite make out if you have side-burns or not..... great lapels though

tony said...

Never Done Sideboards:Never Done Beards.

white rabbit said...

But it's not sepia! :O

Very seventies, though. Nice.

North County Film Club said...

You sure were cute!!!
I miss polaroids.

Unknown said...

That is kind of a blurry view of things, which I'm sure you saw the next day! Some black blogs are hard on the eyes, yours with the brilliant white looks good. Funny, my word verification here now is "solks"

Martin said...

I remember the world looking like this. By the way, I wonder if we're both thinking of the same Duchess of Kent. Your link took me to Princess Marina, who died from a brain tumour in 1968.

tony said...

Yes, she was also known as Princess Marina.She used to hand out the gongs at Wimbledon each year.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

What a great photo, really captures the feel of that time. Make me want to go drag out my old polariods and kick them around a bit. Those cameras were so fun before the "see everything right away" digital camera.

Nancy said...

Oh, yes, that photo does make one feel woozy, as you say, it mirrors your inner state. Exactly right, no doubt. Fun that you shook hands with the Duchess of Kent.

Dominic Rivron said...

Takes me back. I didnt go to my own degree ceremony. There's a photo of me next to my then girlfriend in her cap and gown on the day somewhere though.

Katherine said...

Yes..the appearance of the photo seems very apt for the time when the photo was taken. Trippy, hippy flower power times.
Might I add Tony .. how handsome you look - even with a hangover!!!