Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Manchester 10th August 2011

Some things can only be seen in negative, some bodies only become perceptible in the interference they create.John Burnside:A Summer of Drowning
[Image looted in a non-threatening way from
The UK government is poised to start measuring people's psychological and environmental wellbeing, bidding to be among the first countries to officially monitor happiness.
Despite "nervousness" in Downing Street at the prospect of testing the national mood the Office of National Statistics will shortly be asked to produce measures to implement David Cameron's long-stated ambition of gauging "general wellbeing"...........
[read more]
My Car's had a bit of a funny sqeak for the past week.On Monday I booked it in the garage in Hebden Bridge this morning with a view to catching the train into Manchester for a few hours while they checked it.
While I was in Manchester I took these photos.You will notice several taken in Picaddilly Gardens.Hundreds of [mainly ]Young Folk [via facebook] can been seen collecting brooms to sweep up the broken glass & debris from last night's riot.I say "riot" but Im not sure that's the correct word?"Riot" implies some sort of Purpose + Aim...........
Dont get me wrong.Things are bad  in Britain at the moment, and if they had looted Buckingham Palace or Downing Street  or Harrods I would have had some understanding,But,really, it is bad form to shit in your own backyard.
Manchester Evening News report
+Views from  fine Manchester bloggers & here


Brian Miller said...

it is a crazy world in which we live...a few crazies can destroy it, but perhaps a few can band together and make a difference...

Alan Burnett said...

From every negative comes a bunch of positives. They attacked the ASDA store about a quarter of a mile from where I live last night but were not happy with the quality of the TVs there, so moved on.

Martin said...

The veneer on our civilised society has worn extremely thin in places. But who will repair it?

Ms Scarlet said...

I think we're all going to have to work hard on the chemistry of friendship.
Take care, Tony.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

"if they had looted Buckingham Palace or Downing Street or Harrods I would have had some understanding,But,really, it is bad form to shit in your own backyard."

extremely well put!!

Zuzana said...

Dear Tony, am back online again.;))
The word absurd comes to mind these days when I watch the news. And misguided, spoiled youth...
Hope all is well with you and that you have had a lovely summer so far.;))

Akelamalu said...

We've all been through some bad times Tony but we didn't go out thieving and destroying other people's stuff did we? They have no excuse apart from greed and being mindless cretins! It was heartwarming to see so many people giving up their time to clean up the mess made by the usual 'rent-a-mob'. Personally I'd have shot the lot!

Dominic Rivron said...

That's one of the most sensible things I've heard said about the riots.

Not only does it mess up the back yard, it gives all the Disgusteds from Tunbridge Wells a field day.

my facebook this week........