Friday, August 26, 2011

Nick Drake, new glasses and old maps. : Very Nice.

Sorry Folks..A Busy Week.I Will Come A Visiting Tommorrow (Saturday).In The Meantime, why not visit some other great Sepia Saturday Posts.

Nick Drake - Things Behind The Sun from Phil Bebbington on Vimeo.
i'm in the middle of reading the splendid Electric Eden.A lovely romp through the history of British Folk Music & Culture.William Blake,Nick Drake,Morris Dancing & Beyond. Many of the people mentioned I have seen/loved.Plus hosts of characters new to me.A Real Treasure of a Book.
I heard last night that Capo Martin is off to Nepal in October! I am jealous !
(Not That I'm vain, You Understand?) I bought 2 new pairs of glasses today.Here I am trying trying them on this afternoon. I'm using my blog as a mirror.Which is the bestest pair I wonder.....
webcam gif

New on the web is The Gough MapThe first map of Britain from the 14th Century.You Can View it Online.Below, a detail of Manchester (couldnt find "Hebden Bridge" other than something looking like the craters on the Moon)
[A Cryptic Map of sorts...........]


Anonymous said...

Amazing images in the video! They did such a great job of editing them all together. And the music fits perfectly. It all gives such a mellow and poignant feel.

Bruno Laliberté said...

nice vid!!
see you next week then...
keep well!!

Roy said...

Ah! It's always great to hear more Nick Drake. Thanks, Tony!

Tom said...


good weekend!

Brian Miller said...

nice...thoroughly enjoyed the vid...nice music...nice pics...

Martin said...

Great way to start a Saturday, Tony. Loved it!

Katherine said...

Very nice video.. love the accompanying music!

Kurt said...

I get confused between Nepal and Tibet.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Tony, what a fun post. Which glasses did you choose? Thanks so much for stopping by to visit, and happy SS!

Kathy M.

Tattered and Lost said...

That maps is fascinating. Could get wonderfully lost looking at it. Even better with the lovely music playing. Thanks for the relaxing post.

Now as to those glasses...

Teresa Evangeline said...

What a great video. Love that old footage. It looked like Neal Cassidy on the motorcycle, guitar on his back.

Nick Drake, new glasses and old maps.

Very Nice.

Unknown said...

What a video and honestly some of your poses with the glasses look like different people not all you...we should be home next week and then I can get back to Sepia routine too.

Alan Burnett said...

Hi Tiny - two for the price of one : you must have gone to Specsavers. Thanks for the link to the map - I'm just off there to see if I can find Fixby.

tony said...

Oh, Pat,They All Are Me!!!! :)'s interesting to me you should say that.I,ve always divided people into two 'types'.Some Folk look to me the same at all times.They Have a consistency . whereas others keep looking different!I don't mean smile/frown...I mean The Whole Face.
I know a woman who (especially in photographs) looks like a child sometimes/& looks ten years older the next time.She can look like 2 different people within minutes.....
Sounds like I might have one of those mecurial faces too!!!

Little Nell said...

Both pairs suit you - thank goodness you went to Specsavers! Thanks for the map link - off there now to see what they did with Salisbury.

Zuzana said...

Dear tony, beuatiful song, so melancholic but beautifully poetic.:)
Hope you had a nice weekend.;)

Christine H. said...

Thanks for the Nick Drake song. I wish someone could have saved the poor fellow.

Hey, nice glasses!!!

©gloop said...

That Electric Eden book is quality. If you have Spotify there's an Electric Eden playlist with much of the stuff in the book.

tony said...

what a WONDERFUL post ! I am wonderful ! Well Done Me.

my facebook this week........