Wednesday, August 03, 2011


I have a new post on my Hebden Bridge blog.

I listened today to this rather good BBC 5 Live podcast .An Interview with Adam Ant..He talks about Mental Health issues and suchlike.......
"Beirut is an American band which was originally the solo musical project of Santa Fe, New Mexico native Zachary Francis Condon, and later expanded into a band. Their first performances were in New York in May 2006, to support the release of their debut album, Gulag Orkestar. The music combines elements of Eastern European and Balkan folk with Western pop music, fusing the American mainstream and indie-rock culture and the World Music market................"

download a free+legal full DVD of early Beriut here
From 1913, John Alfred Charlton Deas, a former curator at Sunderland Museum, organised several handling sessions for the blind, first offering an invitation to the children from the Sunderland Council Blind School, to handle a few of the collections at Sunderland Museum, which was ‘eagerly accepted’.
‘They were so successful that Deas went on to develop and arrange a course of regular handling sessions, extending the invitations to blind adults.’
( Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums)


Brian Miller said...

thanks for the intro to beirut...and interesting blend of instruments...and an intriguing voice...

Anonymous said...

Love the music! Such an interesting mix of instruments. Can't say I've ever see an accordian, violin and french horn together. It's great!

Kurt said...

Your tolerance for young people doing things is so much higher than mine! I can barely look at them, they make me so sick.

Roy said...

Interesting. Listening to Beirut gave me a flashback to 3Mustaphas3. Damn, I miss those guys!

Martin said...

I've always had a soft spot for Adam Ant. Bizarrely, in 1981, I had to wrestle a young lady from the stage whilst AA was in the middle of 'Stand and Deliver'.

tony said...

Thanks For Bringing that Up Kurt.....

Alan Burnett said...

I love the mixture : your blog more and more reminds me of one of those scrap-books kept by Victorian Gentlemen where they would paste in things that had interested them or intrigued them : here a pressed flower, there a press cutting, here a rare spider, there a rare bon mot.

Akelamalu said...

Interesting. I love the little movie at the top of your post Tony.

Teresa Evangeline said...

I'm not sure about Beirut, but I do like being introduced to new music, no matter who or what.

I do, however, Love Buster Keaton. His Key Stone Cops routine still makes me laugh, probably more than it should.

I agree with Alan, your blog is developing into an interesting scrapbook. sort of a journal of interests.

my facebook this week........