Saturday, October 29, 2011

Julian! Eat Up Your Greens!

"Koichi Andoh - who came from Japan to work as a chicken sexer in Hebden Bridge in 1935 ..........." 

Me & Cath went for a meal to Greens Vegetarian Cafe In Hebden Bridge on Friday night (And very nice too) .Who Should walk in after us butJulian Cope:[wikipedia] !He walked in with half a dozen mean looking leather-geezers .All Tats & leather (his band?).......They looked like they had been eating raw meat for a decade.I thought the guys deserved a break.
He was playing Hebden Bridge Trades Club later that evening. [The gig was sold out within 24 hours of tickets going on sale .I had no chance,]
I don't know an excessive amount about his music, but it would have been interesting to see him had i got a ticket.

What is doubly strange about my relationship with Mr Cope is that we were in the same year at C.F.Mott Teacher Training College in Liverpool. I remember seeing him a lot at College but we never really moved in the same circles .He did English.I did Sociology & Special Educational Needs.
I wanted to rush over and reminisce about our none -existent friendship ,but it hardly seemed the place........
We seem destined to continue eating on separate tables.
Never Mind! I nabbed the above blurry photo as a memento.............

Above,Julian .Below (restoring a  certain Zimnochian balance),one of Chris's Videos from this September.

After Greens, Me & Cathy went to the monthly Story Telling at The Stubbing Wharfe Pub A Ghost-Themed Evening. Very Nice.Being Halloween, lots of ghost stories & things that go bump  in the night...Cath introduced me to Ursula one of the organisers of Story-Telling in Hebden Bridge.Cath said Ursula used to be in Emmerdale.Ursula said they had "killed her off 5 years ago".
It told her "she was looking good on it......."
[Ursula Holden Gill:wikipedia]


Betsy Brock said...

That is just too cool! Very fun! Glad you had a camera with you!

Brian Miller said...

reminisce our non existant friendship...haha...nice...glad you got to have a good neat to have these chance brushes with greatness...smiles.

Big Mark 243 said...

Pretty cool... I have the same 'non-existent relationship' with several notable boxers... even though we met 'up close and personal' for stretches, I doubt if any of the would remember who I was...

I sort of like Julian's music... anywho, don't be such a stranger..!

Martin said...

I've heard of Julian Cope, although I don't know his music. Looks an interesting character. Did anyone else recognise him?

Kurt said...

Mr. Shane McGowan plays a gig at my local irish pub on Sundays, but we did not attend teacher college together.

Akelamalu said...

I've never heard of him. I wonder what he'd have done if you had gone over to him to reminisce?

tony said...

well looked a bit scary & intimidating to be honest.....they trooped in dressed like a Luffwaffa Crew Gone To Seed.......

Anonymous said...

Close encounters of the past...very fun. He does look kind of scary in the photo : ) It sounds like you had a fun evening and that makes for new special memories. The ghost stories sound fun.

Christine H. said...

He probably noticed you and wanted to come over and chat, but was too bashful.

Zuzana said...

I would have loved to have heard those scary stories.;)
And what a fun encounter at that cafe, hihi.;) How was your dinner at the Scandinavian place btw?;)
Hope you had a great weekend Tony,

tony said...

Zuzana.I got my dates wrong! The Scandinavian Weekend is next month!But even non-Scandinavian Veggie stuff is good too!

white rabbit said...

If 77.5 Buckingham Palace rooms are occupied who is in them? The place is occupied by an elderly couple whose children have left home. Maybe they're using the place for holiday lets - times are hard ...

Nana Jo said...

Gem and I had dinner at a vegetarian place in Hebden Bridge, but I can't remember the name of it, so I'm not sure if it is the same one you went to. We had fantastic Indian food.

(What on earth is a chicken sexer?!)

tony said...

Nana,Green's Vegetarian Cafe has been open For Couple of Years now.It's the first time I have eaten in it.I Have Very mixed feelings about the place.It served me the best Veggie food I have ever eaten.But [and it's a big one] the set menu was very expensive & portions were tiny.'seems daft to me walking out still feeling hungry!
I'm not sure what a chicken-sexer does either.but! I bet they would be able to answer the question "Which Came First.The Chicken or The Egg...." !

Bruno Laliberté said...

the thermal imaging of Buckingham is hilarious!!!

you, brits!!

via GROK !