Thursday, February 07, 2013

we came to the pyramids all embedded in ice

Bob Dylan - Isis

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This is a Sepia Saturday  post.
I may have mentioned it before...the fact that my Aunty Brenda was born in Canada. My Grandfather( with his 2nd wife/ my grandmother would later become #3!)  moved there in the early 1900's "looking for gold" :"gold panning" Whatever........I will give you more detail when i understand this more myself........{ I have a postcard from Canada as evidence}. Later my Grandfather must have moved South, hence these photos from Saranac Lake in upstate New York. shown here are 3 of photos my family took at the Winter Carnival there.
The rest you can see in This Album.
My Polish surname is derived ,I believe, from the word "zimny" meaning Cold,standoffish,bleak, get the Drift? Not a lot of 'personal stuff' (AKA "Real") on here at the moment.Winter is a dreamtime,non? I always dream in a more vivid fashion in doubt my hiberation will end eventually!
In late January 2003 Me & Cathy went to see The Flaming Lips at The Academy in Manchester.On the Bill,supporting them,was an unknown (to me) band called British Sea Power.I dunno...for whatever reason I took a shine to those young lads.I have seen them several times since & championed  them here on this blog.A really unusual combo.
Live they are raw&loud.On recordings they are a melody...they are all over the place.Maybe that's the reason I like them...?
Their hobbies (when not reeling&arocking) are Bird -Watching (the  Ornithological kind not the Jimmy Savile kind!) & the poems of John Betjeman! .Turns out they are closet Sepians too! Witness their most recent promotional video! Marvel at all these sepian images!How cool is that Guys&Girls,now then now then..... (jingle-jangle)...
A body is found in the frozen North Dakota woods. The cops say the dead Japanese woman was looking for the $1m she saw buried in the film Fargo. But the story didn't end there.....{read}


Brett Payne said...

Well, yes, but you don't strike me as any of those.

My grandfather tried his hand at emigrating to Canada too. We went over in 1912 on the Titanic's sister ship, the SS Olympic, fought in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the war and returned to England for good in 1921. If it hadn't been for the Great War, perhaps I would have been a Canadian.

Brian Miller said...

really cool pictures with the horses...and i assume the polar bear is stuffed? pretty crazy..smiles.

Alan Burnett said...

It's not the Zimmy I shared a memorable pint (or three) last week if it is "Cold, stand-offish, bleak etc .." Those photographs have a wonderful almost artistic quality to them.

Boobook said...

Brrrr. Everyone is so rugged up it must be hard to identify who is who:)

Unknown said...

Is the horse on the trailer a spare, like a spare tyre on a car?

Cold, stand-offish - me thinks not.

Kurt said...

Did I tell you this already?: I saw a young girl in Washington Square Park doing amazing hula hoop tricks, and I asked her where she learned them, and she said from YouTube videos! Apparently, it's now a thing.

My last name comes from the town of the same now in Prussia, now in Poland (and renamed phonetically).

Peter said...

If "zimny" is also "stiff" hope your upper lip is still ok :)
@Brett Congrats with your 101st birthday this year. Or should the 'We' read 'He'? :)

Bob Scotney said...

In the first picture the snow shoes look a good idea, You'd need them to escape if that bear was real.

Susan said...

You just can't top that line!

Anonymous said...

We all erect barriers to try to safeguard ourselves(ok, most of us), but you, cold & standoffish? Never.

Unknown said...

The 4-horse-drawn-float has something to do with winter/Christmas? I love studying old photos. Thanks.

Postcardy said...

The Winter Carnival photos are cool--I mean cold...

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Two very interesting photos, Tony. That bear almost looks alive ... it sure was tall. And what a fantastic float in the parade! I wonder if your relatives ever made much money seeking their fortune? If not, at least they had some great stories to hand down about their adventures.

Kathy M.

Kristin said...

I think the horse on the float is the queen of the winter festival. The person in the chair must be her attendent.

Martha said...

Wonderful photos! You should link up on my Flashback Friday! Thanks for stopping by :)

Jackie McGuinness said...

My parents emigrated to Canada from Ireland with my sister and me in 1958. We grew up in Montreal and I now live in Toronto although we are wintering in Las Vegas at the moment.

tony said...

Yes Nick,on the face of it,the 2nd photo doesnt look too 'snowy' but taken in the context of the other photos in the set (see link)I guess it must have been a float with a wintery theme (albeit a rather fanciful one!)

tony said...

Kathy.My Aunty Brenda's mother died there.My Grandad came back eventually to Scotland & Wife#3 (my Grandmother).

Little Nell said...

Cold and standoffish? Never! I too wondered about that polar bear I must say. Best of all is the winter carnival - wonderful. Carnival season is just starting here and across the Canary Islands generally right now.

viridian said...

Look out, a polar bear!
Thank you for stopping by my blog.

anyjazz said...

Fine pair of old photographs. A bear and a horse.

21 Wits said...

You had me with your heading! Thanks for the (before) link back too- I so want that bear- but surely it's a man inside right?! Or not! hehehehe- I'm not sure which I liked more reading your fun post or the music....awesome- and I'm thinking these words will show up in my dreams tonight! Wild!

tony said...

Well Karen.I havn't given much thought to that bear..{scratches head}..Maybe it is a man inside?I just assumed that (in those 'Olden Days' )Bears where "ten-a-penny" & they just nipped out & killed one,then they just stuffed it?Who knows?

Barbara Rogers said...

These are great pics...and lead me into wanting to know more about them all! Thanks!

Akelamalu said...

Great photos Tony and interesting information to explain them. :)

Mike Brubaker said...

You do winter dreams very well, Tony. My great grandfather emigrated from N. Ireland and tried Canada but settled for Minnesota. Can't say it was that much warmer but it had more jobs on the railroad. Saranac Lake was the coldest place in the US yesterday at -25°F

Hazel said...

Those closet Sepians sound very interesting to me. I'm googling them.

Dominic Rivron said...

This is comment on your next post. I can't seem to find the facility to comment on it...

It seems like a lousy experiment to me. Not only does the fact no-one turned up prove nothing but also one only has to think about all the fuss over when the Millennium actually happened. Calendars get very confused over long periods of time. SH is also making the unscientific assumption that we will get more and more technically able in the future. Evidence from the past suggests this is by no means certain - we could well take a few steps backwards. Moreover, future time travellers might look back on this period and all the problems that went with it and think that the last thing we need is an inkling of their technology.

If they exist and have a sense of humour they might have turned up disguised as caterers.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love those carnival photos

tony said...

Dominic.I'm Sorry To Send You Into The Past To Make Your Comment on The Future.I Hope The Future Caterers Dont Bring Any Horse Meat With Them!

Bruno Laliberté said...

There's an app for that!!

Dominic Rivron said...

Re the future caterers. Perhaps they did.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't post a comment to the Feb 14 entry, so: I always mark my(deceased)father's birthday as well. Happy Birthday to your dad, wherever he may be.~Mary

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  New haircut in Hebden Bridge