Friday, July 12, 2013

Some Chants from Failed Cultures

The album was gloomy and perverse.the producers had visited diverse groups of indigenes around the world, remarkable only for their persistence in chanting to no avail. Here were the Ketchem of Belize with their muttering eructation 'Fall Out of the Water-Fish'.The I-Arana of Guinea ,disillusioned cargo cultists who moan gently,'Get Me Room Service', and many others too tedious and depressing to mention. ...... My son James didn't help.He'd picked up a couple of the failed chants and as I put him to bed that night he said,in passable Uraic 'Lo!The crops are withering'.Somehow, even among the cartoon stickers and the bright bendy limbs of bendy toys,this didn't sound as incongruous as it perhaps should have. ..........
 Will Self~The Quantity Theory of Insanity 

Rain isnt "sexy" is it? Sun IS:Floods ARE...but nobody ever wanted to get their camera wet did they?Above is a photo taken on Sunday morning 1970 as Me & the Krumlin survivors left defeated........
Photos From My Hebden Bridge Fashion-Shoot on Thursday, [here]



{above.Sunday 14th July 2013:White Eagle Lodge:Rawden,Leeds}
Don't Worry! I haven't "Found Religion"...I went to the White Eagle Lodge in Leeds today supporting someone's healing. I went there 9 years ago.....(that time i just had a cup of Tea then buggered off to Bramley Russian Baths while Cathy went to a Service.This time I stayed.It was good.A long meditation in the middle of the service.A Nice Touch)
 I also went to a White Eagle service once in Kensington ,London a few moons ago. It's Christian...with Spiritualism/Buddism /Chakras thrown into the mix:"1930's New Age".Pre-Hippy/Beatnick/World War 2.............
I gather times are hard & they are having to sell the Kensington Lodge.A lovely Building with a cracking & very eclectic library.A Shame,
They are actually nice people .Middle Class & elderley ..The physical Leeds Lodge is in  a beautiful setting,~albeit a former Council Mortuary building   in a (pun) previous life~ A Cheeky Thought did occur to me while I was there.....the building & setting would make a perfect location for a Turkish Bath......Maybe,if I win the Lottery,i could make those Eagles an offer they couldnt refuse?
The Church's Manners are   very low key,yet warm & friendly.......Imagine Jesus had been born in a stable in Surrey instead of Palestine..this is the sort of religion we have here.The whole religion reminds me of something created by William Morris and/or Eric Gill............ White Eagle:wiki
Eric Gill:wiki
Finally.Seriously. I was due to visit The Beautiful Madge from Sunderland in her home yesterday.But just before I arrived ,she had been rushed into Halifax Hospital (again).She is hanging on today,but it is serious.I said several prayers for her today.I hope & your Gods might do the same too?


Brian Miller said...

we had flooding here yesterday and its dumping rain now...go figure...not sure how sexy it will be in the end...smiles.

that music just about put me to sleep tony...

tony said...

Fair Point Brian! I Have The Music....

Teresa Evangeline said...

As usual, I could not resist your title. Now I can turn in for the evening, knowing there are lovely, quirky, fully alive people out there. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And I love Jackson Browne.

Ann ODyne said...

Rain puts ozone into the air and is very enervating. breathe deep; plus, my skin is waterproof.
JBrowne has no songs about wifebashing? one of the wives irked him that much.

Martin said...

I can't help being a fan of Will. 'The Quantity Theory of Insanity' is now staring at me from the bookshelf. What does it all mean?

Nice musical choice too, Tony!

Wendy said...

Ironic or apropos that I'm reading blogs about rain and umbrellas on a rainy day, no make that WEEK, in Virginia. Enjoyed the music and slide show very much!

Kurt said...


tony said...


Kristin said...

I tried to go to the link about you all leaving in the rain but it took me no where.

Hazel said...

Gosh I thought I was looking at a hanging cemetery. 'Chanting to no avail' cracked me up for some reason.


tony said...

Thanks Kristin,I Have Repaired The Link.

Alan Burnett said...

Ah Krumlin! That name is etched into local traditions like a tide-mark on a lighthouse.

Postcardy said...

I haven't the foggiest idea of what that was all about--or maybe I should say rainiest.

tony said...

Alan=More Like A Skid-Mark than a Tide-Mark but I get your drift.......Postcardy= me neither :(

Kathy said...

Well, I'm with Postcardy, but I enjoyed it just the same.

North County Film Club said...

For this week I almost posted a photo of Jackson Browne at a wedding of his manager to a friend of my daughters. They were married under a chuppah which sort of looked like an umbrella. Jackson was bet man. It was my biggest thrill to go that wedding - and Jackson Browne played a mini concert afterwards in the living room. Someday I'll post those photos (which are terrible photos by the way) when the theme is "musicians I have met" or something. But thanks for the Jackson Browne tune. It brought me back. Love him.

tony said...

I have to say a lot of the geffen/west coast stuff i dont like.But a few (Jackson,Zevon,Joni Mitchell) I DO like.I've seen JB several times... Here is a photo of him I took once at a Manchester Gig.

Bob Scotney said...

This is my third visit to try and understand this post - or was it to listen to Jackson Browne?

Little Nell said...

That's one of Will's I don't know - must look out for it.

Mike Brubaker said...

I remember when music seemed more important than the weather. But now (and I'm a musician too) raindrops falling on my head are too much wet for not much inspiration. Ahh, the perspective of time.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Hoping your friend is doing better by now...

Houston said...


via GROK !