Friday, August 16, 2013

Dream walking in York

"To dream that you are at a picnic represents a happy and peaceful domestic life. To dream of seeing a picnic basket hints of an opportunity to gain knowledge then impart your thoughts and insights to others"{from:} .Oh.OK..............
".....There were many families in attendance and there had been a picnic atmosphere prior to the attack..."[read more}
This is a Sepia Saturday post.

People seem to Walk a lot at the moment? For example The Rochdale Ghost Walks .sounds like fun,i must try that one!            And I've been on a couple of John Billingsly's Walk through Heptonstall recently.

While in Surrey (where,admittedly ,everyone in Bonkers) a group of Unremarkable men walk 40 miles for no particular reason My heart warms to them when they describe the planning of their walk .......
Ian said: "Simon came up with the idea of calling it 'Beach to Bench 2013', so we found a random bench on The Nower which was not special in any shape or form."It was falling apart a bit and half buried in a hedge. If it had had some redeeming feature I think we would have shied away, but because a few slats were missing we thought, 'This is perfect'."
BUT!What I really want to do is go the York Dream Walks  Imagine!Walking people through your dreams!
Taken in Halifax.other details unknown,But I am minded to think they are off for a nice picnic....?
If you read my post the other day you will know that today we travelled to Manchester to remember those murdered there.To lay wreaths and such. Here is a video I took of the actress Maxine Peake reading out the names of 3 of those who died.......
{this is taking ages to download for some reason?As soon as it's downloaded,i will embed it here..} To know that Martha Partington was "Thrown into a cellar and killed on the spot..." somehow seems to worse...?


Brett Payne said...

That's a wonderful image but, apart from the smiling boys, they don't look particularly happy, do they? A strange scene.

Rosie said...

The people walking down the street do not look too happy, more like a funeral then a picnic they are going to. Did enjoy the Roy Orbison song though.

Brian Miller said...

it is a lot cheaper to walk these days honestly...ha...we like walking downtown...walking slows you down enough to appreciate a lot you miss speeding by...

Little Nell said...

For a brief moment I had Roy singing over Maxine 's speech! The video goes black after that- could this be why it took so long to download? (Shows I watched it!)

tony said...

Ah Nell ! That was also why my battery was flat & My card was empty!What A Daft Bugger I Am!!!!I mustn't have switched-off the camera& just stuffed it in my pocket! Hence the Blackness+The muffled voices!!!!!It was round about this time that Me & Cath met up with martin..I havnt listened to it all the way through...but I think I can hear his voice in there somewhere!!!!

Martin said...

From people walking through your dreams, to people having their dreams stamped on. Good post, Tony.

Alan Burnett said...

Dream walk my foot! They are off to the pub. And from the look of things in might be Cat In't Well.

Kurt said...

I still don't understand what a dream walk is, and I skimmed that article! I'm so old.

tony said...

'Dont fully understand myself ,Kurt!But I like the concept even if the mechanics might be dodgy?I mean,I'd love others to walk My Dreams...but other peoples dreams might be a nightmare.........

savannah said...

whoa, sweet pea, i got stuck thinking about people walking thru my dreams. hell, some of my dreams make me shiver when i recall them the next day!!! *note to self: consider what you're eating before going to bed* ;) xoxoxoxox

anyjazz said...

I remember something about the York dream walk. I think I saw a poster about it as I was strolling the promenade. I think I was there the wrong week for it.

Postcardy said...

the plaid blanket looks like it could be useful for a picnic, but I don't see any food.

Mike Brubaker said...

A peculiar image of people with a purpose to their step. I imagine that in earlier times before cars, people were more in tune to hearing the sound of footsteps walking past their door/window. Like my dog, they knew other people by their shoes, the time of day, the jingle of their keys.

21 Wits said...

Funny is as funny does in Tony's world! Ha! ha! It kind of reminds me of what my children are prone to do, they call them "Butt calls" when we get a call and no one is there, except background sounds, as they once again have their phone in their pocket! I just couldn't wait to read this post, great title, and I shall be no doubt dreaming with color and food tonight just thinking about it!

21 Wits said...

Oh my gosh, I left such a long comment and I fear it didn't go through. Now to redo! I had to laugh at that video too, "Butt calls" is what my children and others call it when they carry their phones in their pockets and call unknowingly! Too funny! I was excited by your great title, and I just know I shall dream of food or picnicking tonight at the thought of it!

Kristin said...

The crowd looks more like they are marching the woman with the plaid blanket out of town.

Joan said...

O am voting that she is leading the march -- of course.

tony said...

...or a sleepwalker with a duvet on her head? and the crowd behind?well either locals stalkers following her to see what would happen next.OR! The people she is dreaming...........

PattyF said...

Perhaps these folks are latecomers to the picnic and that's why they are unencumbered with food or drink.

Bob Scotney said...

It's quite easy to dream walk. I do it several times a week fetching my paper - The last thing I remember is what happened along the way,
I also were a cap - perhaps I should sport a bowler.

via GROK !