Friday, August 09, 2013

Invasion of the baby-boomers

Look! your gentle author is now an eco-warrior!

This is a Sepia Saturday post.
This first photo is taken from a private collection of early 70's in Halifax I entitled Invasion Of The Baby-Boomers And why the devil not?

"....all manner of strange or unidentified contraptions. And if you are fresh out of contraptions there is always cars or people sat in ridiculous positions....."
A Family photo taken in upstate New York in the very early 1900's.Taken by my great grandfather.A whole series of these photos can be found here
I have a new flash looking photo album here  .It looks better than before...but I havnt got the hang of the settings yet ..So no photo badge at the moment(does it still have that option?who knows.....I dont!)
Anyway....... ...... here are today's new photos..mostly taken by Cath at Hardcastle Crags where the BBC are filming a new costum drama /follow up to Pride and Prejudice with a host of B-List British tv eg Trevor Eve (who someone once said I looked like.....) & the purty young Dr Who sidekick (joy!)......

PJ Harvey has released a song to highlight the ongoing detention of the last British resident held inside the US prison at Guantánamo Bay. The track, called Shaker Aamer was recorded by the Mercury prizewinning songwriter to help maintain pressure to have the 46-year-old, whose family live in south London, released back to Britain.
Aamer has been detained in Guantánamo for more than 11 years, despite being cleared for release in 2007, and remains imprisoned without charge or trial. He has a British wife and his four children -- the youngest of whom he has never met -- were all born in Britain. They live in Tooting, south London.
The British government has stated repeatedly that it wants him back in the UK and last week, under escalating international pressure, the US announced it is to restart transfers from the prison. Concerns remain, however, that Aamer might be forcibly sent to Saudi Arabia and imprisoned there instead of being reunited with his family in the UK. Aug 2013
Read About Shaker Aamer [Here]


Brian Miller said...

um that is some dog sled you got there...can they really pull it? and is that you in the carriage as well?

Nonnie said...

were they decked out for a parade? brr...

Joan said...

Tony, I just could never get past the first photo --and all that hair too. Still giggling.

Brett Payne said...

You'd have thought the pram would have collapsed.

tony said...

No ,Not Me in The Pram !(and ,even if it was I wouldnt admit it!)I cant help thinking that had we all stayed in our prams (like,forever...) there would be less cars & less pollution........Although if we were ALL in prams,who would push us????

Jackie said...

What a dog sledge that is!! All that snow looks great

La Nightingail said...

I had a buggy like that for all 3 of my kids - except it was blue & had big white sidewall tires. I have no doubt it would have supported a full grown adult. I think it was made to support an ox! Wonderful contraption. It was part of a set called a Stroll-O-Chair & converted into a car bed, rocking cradle, stroller, high chair, & eventually a separate little chair & table. Amazing contraption. Too bad I didn't think to use it in this week's challenge.

Wendy said...

The Baby Boomer reminds me of Tiny Tim (Tiptoe Through the Tulips guy). I like the dog sled, but I can't think what wintertime parade would call for American flag bunting.

Unknown said...

The Saranac Lake photos are just amazing -- my favorite is of the house (hotel?); gorgeous. Who is the guy in the buggy, anyway? An old rocker?

Alex Daw said...

LOVE Joni!

Alex Daw said...

Love Joni!

Alex Daw said...

Love Joni!

Postcardy said...

I love the photo of the midwinter carnival dogsled.

Kristin said...

The dog sled looks like an early model snow mobile. The dogs may be just for show.

Little Nell said...

Wonderful contraptions!!

Alan Burnett said...

Ah back in the days when a pram was a pram. Great big wheels, massive metal springs, gabardine covers - and a nanny to push it up Pellon Lane.

Rosie said...

Ahhhh-snow--live in East Canada, won't be long before we have snow here again. We are quite creative, we always find things to do in winter that brings the people old and young alike outside in the cold...brrr...

Mike Brubaker said...

An interesting multi-media mix, Tony. I liked the notice on the rail crossing beside the 1915 snowmobile. Who would expect a flagman before or even after 9:00 in the morning?

As to Guantanamo, it remains a horrible perversion of justice, and was never the solution for ending terrorism.

Bruno Laliberté said...

That first picture covers it as far as I'm concerned. We need to hear the story behind this one...

Guantanamo has nothing to do with justice. The fact that these men never had their day in court but were held nonetheless for years shows the lack of justice. I never thought at the time when it started that it would drag on for so long and have so little to show for. The demonstration of guilt was never established, only the mere notion of suspicion...

A Cuban In London said...

Thanks for that PJ Harvey. I am going out for a run now and I need a kick up the backside. You just provided it. :-)

Shame what's happening to Shaker Aamer. A real shame.

Greetings from London.

Sharon said...

Yes I think that there is a story to be told about the first photo. It leaves a lot to the imagination.

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here