Friday, September 13, 2013

forget me not..........

Me & Cath went to see Krystle Warren at The Hebden Bridge Trades Club last night.We met up with Marguerite there.It was nice to see her.
 If you like the audio sample above, (i seemed to have sorted out my starch problem!) I have recorded the entire concert!
Email me at with your postal address & I will send you a copy!


Brian Miller said...

interesting....will finish listening as i read...really like the motion shots tony...very cool

Unknown said...

I really LOVE the close up photo of their two faces at the mike. Looks like a wonderful concert.
Disappointed to miss meeting you in Hebden this year.... I blew the first part of the week out of the water being ill so then our few precious days got really booked up with family. We did get to the Trades tho and saw Its A Beautiful Day plus The Electric Brains, so I can well imagine the scene there from your photos.
Hope to see you next year!

tony said...

Not To Worry Jill.Yes, It will be great to meetup sometime.Is It Me? The Trades always reminds me of a location in a Steven King novel? a barn in darkest Maine!

via GROK !