Friday, October 18, 2013

sepia costumes......

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
  Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably.
 He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
  The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Lord I Like This Photo of Me taken in Manchester's Northern Quarter the other week.Nothing to do with anything below (is it?) But do i need an excuse or reason ?

"Hey, let's put on a show! The desire to dress up, lark around in public, utter words that you would not normally recognise, is as old as the hills - or at least as old as a string of Judy Garland films. Sepia Saturday 199 celebrates the theatre, be it professional or amateur, serious or comic, situated below a proscenium arch or behind a kitchen table. Dressing up, dressing down, acting daft or acting dreadfully - they all form part of the script for Sepia Saturday.............."
But do we have a choice in our costumes? All The World's A Stage and we spend our lives trying to work out who the Director is......p.s. & where is S/he?
This is slideshow of stills mainly taken from 2 films. A Pace Egg Play in Hebden Bridge :1961
And The Halifax Gala:1960 plus a few other photos from Halifax's past I threw into the mix.......A bit of a hodgepodge of styles & timeperiods.But they were all taken in Hebden Bridge & Halifax.They all are (i think) about performance;forgetting oneself & being caught unexpecting.The all also challenge how we are suposed to remember Them Olden Days......
This is a sepia saturday post
REFERENCE:Pace Egg Plays
Funny really.I always associate Buddy Holly's voice with memories of 1960's Halifax.
If I were to close my eyes while listening to this song my mind would conjure up a picture of old Haley Hill (the road up to Boothtown)
Stood in Evan's Record Shop.All dusty & dark.
(They knocked it down in the 1970's to build a Bleeding  Flyover .....).


La Nightingail said...

An interesting show of pictures. Once in a while it's wonderful to step away from your normal life & be someone or something else for the sheer joy & fun of it!

Mike Brubaker said...

I like your "slide show" of costumed folk, Tony. I included a reference to the Mummer Plays on my post this weekend because I had remembered your introduction to the Pace Egg plays earlier this year. It's funny how some tradition about St. George will last for generations, but satirical costumes of political persons become outdated in a decade or two. And thanks for the compliment on my photo too. :-}

Kristin said...

Interesting and sort of frightening if I met that big headed character walking up the street.

Brian Miller said...

some pretty cool pics...whose the guy in the head dress?

tony said...

Brian, the Blokes in headdresses are in Hebden Brodge/1960 People in The Mummers Play/Pace Egg......

Little Nell said...

Pace egss - that's not something I've heard since my childhood in Kendal! Some interesting dressing-up here. Brave of the Samaritans I thought.

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Great photo show. The "in hot water" float looks like something one of those mortgage scamming companies might dream up. The slide show effect adds greatly to the nostalgia of the post. Lovely.

Postcardy said...

My favorites are the black and white photos.

21 Wits said...

Gads, what a funny post! Do you always have such a wild and fun life?! Seriously though, I do wonder what is the girl in photo one wearing, or should I say what it appears she forgot to wear. Or, perhaps no more Saturday night wine sipping for me! Ha! Ha!

21 Wits said...

Gads, what a funny post! Do you always have such a wild and fun life?! Seriously though, I do wonder what is the girl in photo one wearing, or should I say what it appears she forgot to wear. Or, perhaps no more Saturday night wine sipping for me! Ha! Ha!

Dominic Rivron said...

As you know, I used to live just off Haley Hill (in Akroydon).

Barr's soft drinks... Those were the days. They had recycling well organised then. Glass bottles - and you got paid for taking the bottles back.

tony said...

Dominic,do you remember Caley's Off-Licence shop near The Playhouse?They Bottled their own Guinness!
Yes,Postcardy, the B&W's stay longer in the eye..but,saying that,most of the coloured ones are cine-still & never intended for individual viewing.

Unknown said...

love the music, Buddy Holly, really? a nice post today,...good times!

Tattered and Lost said...

The photo of the weedy amphitheater is wonderful. They're all great images, but that one struck me as the one most in need of a story.

tony said...

Tattered, the weedy ampitheater is my favorite too.It's Thrum Hall Rugby League ground.Between 1962 & the later 80s (before they knocked it down to build an Asda Supermarket) It was the first place (apart from Church) I learned to dream in Public.I loved the place (It wasnt usually as weedy as that---i guess the photo is taken during a pre-season game....

tony said...

Yes ,Patricia.Buddy recorded this song in a hotel room in 1958 (a old Everley Brothers song) It wanst released until 1967 (8 years after his death).Eric Clapton & Blind Faith rerecorded it in 1970.So it kinda covers much of the time period covered by the bulk of these photos.

Anonymous said...

I'd never miss an opportunity to listen to Buddy Holly. His music still sounds so fresh after all these years. And flyovers are very ugly and need a lot of space, other solutions should be possible without the need to demolish nice buildings.

Mark Tyndall from Rochdale

I am sad to report news of the death of Mark Tydall.  I heard via Jim Stridgen that he died a couple of weeks ago of Cancer. he was 62 .  H...