Friday, March 07, 2014

What Jesus did next......

Me & Phil the Ex-Fireman & Ken went to Sowerby Bridge tonight ...
.We went to The Puzzle Hall pub & a good band was playing....... [Issimo: Marc+Abi]

On our way to The Puzzle , we walked past a church.Phil showed us where his son Bryn was the model for  Sowerby Bridge's   Stainglass~ Jesus in St Paul's Methodist Church[ see in  video ]
Bryn lives in Sowerby Bridge.About ten years ago a stranger approached him while he was out walking.The bloke was an Artist .Would Bryn like to pose for him? As Jesus! The result you can see 15ft tall in the church window. Must be rather strange seeing yourself as the Messiah everyday you walk through town........
Rest in Peace old faithful servant. Fuji F70-EXR You have died .Shall we ever see you like again?[especially in relation to the Gigs ].No doubt you shall be replaced.....but by anything better...I doubt!!!!
In the meantime I am just using my Panasonic HD camera .More versatile (eg audio files;HD video) but the quality is more 'cold' [.see today's photos here as an example.........]
  I also have my NIKON D200 for special/pre-planned occasions.but wildly too big to hide in my pocket!

Mark Tyndall from Rochdale

I am sad to report news of the death of Mark Tydall.  I heard via Jim Stridgen that he died a couple of weeks ago of Cancer. he was 62 .  H...