Friday, May 30, 2014

“I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.” ~RUMI.

[ to  read more about the mighty Muslim Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ]
Meanwhile.........Sepia Halifax Gives You A Permanent Wave............
This is a Sepia Saturday post.
Lets not talk about why I'm not posting much words & thinking here at the moment!
 I,m not sure why! But-hey!-I'm here today.......[smiles]

Photo Cube

This week's Sepia Topic is "Hair".And here is mine.I guess I wore it long between around 1971 to 1978.The  colour photo above is of me at Lancaster Uniy in 1978.(I look a bit of a plum.'Was still stoned from the night before-as i recall........)
The black & white ones (in the cube) are inbetween  i.e.the end of my time nursing in Todmorden:Youth Hostel Wardering in London; & at college in Liverpool 73-77.
It still stayed long post 78 but was in severe retreat!

By the way, If your Stateside, I know you sometimes get British TV series. If a show called "Happy Valley" . appears anytime, try and catch it.It's rather good good! Plus its shot 100% on Location in Calderdale (Halifax,Hebden Bridge,Sowerby Bridge,et all) If you like the photos both me & Alan share (eg the one above) you can see more here.
"Halifax Noir" I believe the future may call it (thow nose).......

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I used to make phantoms I could later chase ........

If you wish to see these images all together Click Here

It is Cathy's birthday today.
On the strength of which,we caught the  train to Manchester  for a meal & a look around.
If we had known the weather would have been so hot ,'have gone somewhere greener& cooler.
Shame on you, BBC weather forcasters! The sooner UKIP get in Power & give us back our English weather the better!
Here are some photos from our visit to The Peoples History Museum and The John Rylands Library :[Both New To Cath.]
The only sadness of the day was our sweaty walk to The 8th Day veggie cafe near the Uniy on Oxford Street.Rubbish.Avoid like the plague.It nearly spoiled the day.....

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Walk Like A Giant.

The Government wants to close my local Accident&Emergency Unit in Halifax.
I went on a March yesterday to protest.
Here are some photos I took.
Neil Young joined the protest in my head.........
*Also in my head was the thought that we passed within 100 yards of the birthplace (in 1900) of Halifax's greatest author/soldier/Marxist , Ralph Winston Fox on Rawson Avenue.*


If you love the Blue Nile, Prefab Sprout, Go-Betweens, Michael Head and all that good stuff, then you should give this a listen..........  ...