Friday, May 30, 2014

“I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.” ~RUMI.

[ to  read more about the mighty Muslim Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ]
Meanwhile.........Sepia Halifax Gives You A Permanent Wave............
This is a Sepia Saturday post.
Lets not talk about why I'm not posting much words & thinking here at the moment!
 I,m not sure why! But-hey!-I'm here today.......[smiles]

Photo Cube

This week's Sepia Topic is "Hair".And here is mine.I guess I wore it long between around 1971 to 1978.The  colour photo above is of me at Lancaster Uniy in 1978.(I look a bit of a plum.'Was still stoned from the night before-as i recall........)
The black & white ones (in the cube) are inbetween  i.e.the end of my time nursing in Todmorden:Youth Hostel Wardering in London; & at college in Liverpool 73-77.
It still stayed long post 78 but was in severe retreat!

By the way, If your Stateside, I know you sometimes get British TV series. If a show called "Happy Valley" . appears anytime, try and catch it.It's rather good good! Plus its shot 100% on Location in Calderdale (Halifax,Hebden Bridge,Sowerby Bridge,et all) If you like the photos both me & Alan share (eg the one above) you can see more here.
"Halifax Noir" I believe the future may call it (thow nose).......


Kristin said...

Nice song. Nice cube. Nice beauty shop. Nice hair.

Tom said...

ditto. Howdy, too

tony said...

Thank You Kristin & Tom.Much Love .

tony said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
La Nightingail said...

The beauty shop photo was neat; the photo cube was interesting, your 70s portrait shows a good-looking young fellow (don't we all wish our skin was still so smooth & tight looking?); but our favorite 'imported' British TV series is "As Time Goes By". The understated humor from the lead characters keeps us laughing through every episode.

tony said...

Indeed ! .AS TIME GOES BY is a very Fine Series. Oh !"Skin" I am still very attached to it...:)

Sean Bentley said...

Love the Halifax salon shot! Funnily my wife and I have been watching Happy Valley for a week or two on the Internet - excellent, and we love the Calderdale scenery! But wow it's a bit gruelling. I've been in that area several times - tried unsuccessfully to find Sylvia Plath's grave in Heptonstall.

tony said...

Yes Sean ,Sylvia's grave isnt the easiest to find! here are photos of a recent guided walk around Heptonstall i went on that include images of the grave&gravestone..And This is a specific photo of Sylvia's Grave.

savannah said...

i'm back blogging, so i'm catching up with all y'all. i've decide that fb isn't as much fun as blogging. love the song. ;) xoxoxo

Alan Burnett said...

Where was the first shot taken Tony? My guess would be somewhere up the valley, but I suppose it could be anywhere in Halifax. Just looking at it makes me feel homesick - and I am at home!

Alan Burnett said...

Where was the first shot taken Tony? My guess would be somewhere up the valley, but I suppose it could be anywhere in Halifax. Just looking at it makes me feel homesick - and I am at home!

Mike Brubaker said...

What Kirsten said: "" "".
Corner shops with the door at a diagonal offer the camera a better perspective. It wasn't until the mouse cursor went across the photo-cube that I discovered it could be controlled. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Halifax Noir? Yes. (And bit of a tautology).

Black is the colour... Now there's a song. Got a cassette somewhere of Chrity Moore singing it.

Kurt said...

You've aged well.

tony said...

I'm not sure about the location Alan.Those hills in the background confuse me! Parts of me want to think its up near King X ..but those hills look a bit Todmodenish!!!

tony said...

I'm not sure about the location Alan.Those hills in the background confuse me! Parts of me want to think its up near King X ..but those hills look a bit Todmodenish!!!

Ms Scarlet said...

I think you have the look of Paul Weller about you at Lancaster Uni!

violet s said...

That is one cool dude in that cool cube!

Jofeath said...

Black is the colour' is one of my favourite ballads, but I prefer the version by Christy Moore. Great photo to go with it - very subtle!

Tattered and Lost said...

Thanks for the heads up about the tv show. Perhaps BBC America will run it or one of the Anglophile local PBS stations.

Little Nell said...

I’ve never seen a corner shop shot like that. I always think of them as grocers and drapers. Loved Happy Valley and kept looking for a long-distance shot of you as an ‘extra’!

Ann ODyne said...

great music great grad photo and I have read all the raves about Happy Valley. Australia is just finishing Series 2 of the author's other great show Last Tango In Halifax. Every minute is wonderful work by all involved.

Mark Tyndall from Rochdale

I am sad to report news of the death of Mark Tydall.  I heard via Jim Stridgen that he died a couple of weeks ago of Cancer. he was 62 .  H...