Friday, July 18, 2014

rocking in the free world

Photo taken in Burnley by Michael H Gregg In the meantime please consider this......
.Neil Young's Israel Concert Cancelled To Not 'Put People In Gaza Rocket Range At Unnecessary Risk'
.Indeed .Poor Zion..
I took these photos in Burnley Municipal Cemetery this morning.
I had given Chris a lift for an Interview he was having with Burnley Council's  Parks & Garden Dept.(he finds the result of this within the next couple of weeks)
Quite a surreal place to have a job interview ! But a pleasant wait for me.

Burnley has it's own muslim area of burial.
This morning I  said  prayers for the murdered innocent men,women & children of  the current  Gaza Ghetto Uprising
 May they rest in peace
 & may their Israeli murders find some apropriate  punishment. somewhere down the line.....
Plus,Burnley has  a fine War Memorial for the British dead in two World Wars
.Also,a surprise, a memorial for The Hapton Valley Colliery Disaster 1962
To my shame,I had never known about.......
The new Hapton Valley Colliery soon acquired the name Spa Pit on account of the discovery of a mineral spring around 1818 by Ambrose Eastwood a local farmer. The spring was close by the new pit, and the name adopted. The method of coal extraction at this time at Hapton Valley would have been by pick and shovel working the pillar and stall method of extraction........
....The most fateful day in the collieries history of course was the disaster of March 22 nd. 1962, when a total of nineteen men perished...........
"The Ship Song" Nick Cave: Live at the Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany; February 13, 2013.

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here