Friday, February 13, 2015

Old Friends ßookends

ßlimey,another Valentines Day...!
You know,my Dad was born on this day (& died on a Boxing Day) 
Strange to think he would be 98 now, had he lived.
 I know no more than you do about love.Other than it is universal as much as it is personal?
And that the long applause at the end of this (or any) song is as important as the music before it. 
Imagine,  I only turned my head away in order he had  a greater area to kiss........
My Son Chris & Me :Zante 1991

Cathy my Missus & Me in a mirror on the Greek Island of Paros in 1987.
Cathy in Paros:the same year.
This is a Sepia Saturday post. 
Bob Dylan - Pretty Saro from Columbia Records on Vimeo.


La Nightingail said...

The third photograph of Cathy in Paros, seeming to soak up the sun in a totally relaxed moment, is simply beautiful.

tony said...


tony said...
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tony said...
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Mike Brubaker said...

That's one of my favorite songs too but I haven't thought about it for a very long time because I don't play vinyl anymore. (though I still have that album!) As for love, I think we all spend a lifetime discovering its infinite varieties.

Ann ODyne said...

beautiful images to treasure, you are twice-blessed Everton man.

Postcardy said...

That's a sweet picture of you and your son.

Unknown said...

Oh, I'd forgotten this song; pulls at my heart and throat...lovely shots of you, your wife, your son.

Joan said...

A good kind of love to view on Valentine's Day. Thanks.

Little Nell said...

Beautiful - the pictures and the song. A nice way to remember your Dad too.

Wendy said...

Love "Bookends."

Kristin said...

The photos, the slide show, the music (which I oddly, don't remember), Perfect.

Leni Qinan said...

Your missus in the 3rd pic -my favourite- looks absolutely gorgeous. It's a good snapshot, she's very beautiful and you're an excellent photographer!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here