Saturday, April 25, 2015

the boy is dead, stop killing him.....


Kurt said...

Safe travels to Chaz. I'm glad I'm never going to die.

tony said...

Kurt.Lets start a new trend ,lets not die together!

Leni Qinan said...

Sorry to read you're sad. When death is near it's inevitable to think about how fragile and ephemeral life is.

I try to live in the here and now. That's all I have and will have. :)

Leni Qinan said...

oh btw, I would have loved to watch your video but YouTube has removed it -not just the audio- showing a message that goes: "this video includes Sony Music Entertainment material and therefore has been blocked for copyright reasons". Too bad!

tony said...

Sony have copyrighted my dead cat..& they wonder why i like Trotsky!
(*it does play the vision for me,but silently,hey-hoy.*)
Yea,Leni we forget how easily /quickly/suddenly we can become Abstract instead of Landscape.....

Kristin said...

I hope I feel like Rumi's poem when the time comes. My father said he was going to do breathing exercises to stave off death. It didn't work.

Ann ODyne said...

Comiseration from me dear Tony, please be cheered by the final gift of Chaz - the thought that SONY (don't mention The War) are threatened by a pet video.
I think sony bought michael jackson who had bought Lennon/McCartney. The MJ hit machine saved Sony from certain financial death prior to that btw.
Visit for all the juice on the sony hack and good luck to them hackers.
This old Mod is getting affairs in order, having figured out the FearOfDeath is really only fear of not being organised for it.
RIP Chaz.

Ms Scarlet said...

Death, it's a right pain in the arse.
RIP Chaz.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hail to the life of those we loved, and released into the ethers...hold tight to the memories (even if the videos may be missing) through sharing with friends. Me, I'm going to just live a day at a time, for as long as it happens!

La Nightingail said...

I have no idea when my time might come - my mother will soon be celebrating her 97th birthday & she's still going strong. We're all amazed! All I know is - right up until my last breath, I will have interesting things still to do - projects of one sort of another still waiting to be completed. I never want to be done with things. I'll always want something new around the corner just waiting for me! Sorry about Chaz, though. We've had to put down 3 cats & it's never easy. But I'm so glad we've had them to love!

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

I think it's very rock and roll to mourn your cat. Much sympathy on your loss and I too hope his victims aren't waiting for him.

Alan Burnett said...

Lovely old photo Tony. And it seems just about the right week to be remembering our NHS and trying to make sure it survives whatever might happen on Thursday.

Mike Brubaker said...

Cats show us what is good in life and help us to appreciate creatures superior to ourselves.

Joan said...

Today, methinks, you gave ups poetry in photos, words and thoughts. Thanks, to you and Chaz

Anonymous said...

That Boy with Ball wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting if it were in colour. I don't know what it is is but all the oolours seem to distract you from the content and shapes in the image. A great photo.

Tattered and Lost said...

I understand completely and I'm sorry for you loss. Each year Christmas seems to happen sooner and sooner which means each year has passed and I am one toe, one foot, one something closer to the end. I scare myself when I look at the obit page.


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