Thursday, April 09, 2015

live at Zeppelinfeld, Nuremberg

My take on the theme this week is old posters.
This is a British Labour Party poster from 1948.
 If the Tory Party wins the UK General Election in May,it will sell off our free National Health Service.And turn it into a USA-style paying system.
Its as brutal as that.
It's important the Tories lose. 
For a fact ,if Labour don't get in power I will lose my public sector  job.Really.It's as personal to me,as that...........
This is a sepia saturday post.

Went Indian Mealing in Hebden Bridge's Eastern Spice tonight. 
With Bob:Noj,John .Jim & Ken.Hurray!
Bob Dylan:Live at the Zeppelinfeld, Nuremberg, Germany; July 1, 1978. The show is imbued with additional meaning since the Zeppelinfeld was constructed in the ’30s and was the site for the Nazi Party rallies between 1933 and 1938 and can be seen in the film Triumph Of The Will. That a Jewish artist such as Bob Dylan preformed there 40 years later provides a special irony for the setting.


Brett Payne said...

That this sort of thing should even be considered is pretty awful. It's all very sad and frightening. Let's hope ...

Wendy said...

Is that a new poster? It has real vintage-feel to it. Good luck with the vote -- apathy is a powerful enemy.

Unknown said...

And you DO NOT want a USA system! You know that...but do others? Those of us in the USA will tell them how awful it is here...

La Nightingail said...

Isn't it ironic how old posters & such fit right back into the scheme of things. I hope it all turns out the way you need it to. As for me, Medicare takes pretty good care of me here in the U.S.

Postcardy said...

I always thought the British health system was a good idea and that we should have had something like that here.

Mike Brubaker said...

Politicians change but the issues (and posters) remain the same. I hope common sense prevails in the UK. We have a real shortage of it on this side of the Atlantic and way too much crazy talk!

Kristin said...

Some changes are good but a change to this horrible US health system wouldn't be one of them.I also hope common sense prevails.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the global warming people haven't got going with the posters yet. Things like - Leave the car at home . Walk to work while you get fit and save the planet.

Leni Qinan said...

I hope the privatization of the NHS never happens in the UK. It would be a great loss.
Our conservative guys tried that over here too –they’ve actually tried to sell nearly everything from the public sector since 2008, when the crisis started – but the health system workers opposed fiercely and they had to stop their political maneuvers.

We're having local elections in May here and hopefully a huge tsunami will wipe them and their majorities off the map.

Good luck with the elections but more than anything, I wish you have good luck with your job!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here