Saturday, February 20, 2016

A mistress of something she thought...........

I was up in Mixenden Library this morning.Holly Lynch ,the Labour MP for Halifax , was there for some sort of Coffee Morning gig.
We thought it might include a Q&A session...but nothing materialised
Comrade Ken Kersley was wanting to ask her why she had thought bombing Syria to be such a good idea.But no opportunity to discuss such issues......... .........nice Coffee though !
& nice to see James again.
 I also got an opportunity to get a sneak preview of a film documentary called "Archipelago" recently shot in Mixenden ; commissioned by Manchester University and heavily featuring Ken .. It gets it's first public showing locally very soon.I feature a few "stills" from   it here......

 John Cale:Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; November 15, 1987 :The Chinese Envoy.(above) Endless Plain of Fortune (below) John Cale:Live at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; November 15, 1987

via GROK !