Friday, August 19, 2016

In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive And You Were Full Of Joy.

My search for cleverness continues..........
Me & Cath went into Manchester's Whitworth Gallery to see an exhibition called   In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive And You Were Full Of Joy
To be honest, I knew little about it,but I just loved the title! It was an electic mix of curated  stuff.
I mean,Andy Warhol and Eric Gill in the same space !

The first Gill sculpture I,ve ever was the highlight for me.Brilliant.
I'm still not a big fan of The Whitworth.It brands itself as an International Gallery.Very well healed could just as easily be in London or New York. I get no feel of Northernness or Manchesterness.Frankly ,it feels a bit up itself!
 All those comforable people coming to look at photos of homeless street sleepers, while outside the beggars of Manchester seem to multiply each time i visit the city.


Martin said...

I have to work hard so that "comfortable people" don't ruin a gallery experience for me. I've found it helps if I regard them as exhibits.

tony said...

Indeed Martin. (a bit like "church") we try & conform to the ritual of the congregation .
We moderate our speech & gaze knowingly at the canvas or pot .......

It would be quite funny(tho I would have the balls myself to do it) to stand in front of another visitor & comment on their appearance.Pass judgement on their shoes or haircut!
"OOOh ! He looks a proper picture!" (in my best Les Dawson voice)

Martin said...

In the Whitechapel Gallery, 20 years ago, I was so fed up with the snobby company, I started to appraise a cleaner's trolley. Lots of chin stroking and free flowing aesthetic vocabulary, only to have it pointed out to me that the trolley was in fact an exhibit! Oh, how I laughed. :-/

tony said...

Funnily Enough...The Whitechapel was the first gallery i ever visited.1971 .Dali ,i think......God Knows What His Trolly Would Have Looked Like......

via GROK !