Saturday, December 24, 2016

notes from an orphan

Tu Spoczywa 
Wladyslaw Zimnoch 
(14th Feb 1917-26th Dec1984)

Boxing Day 1984: Me & Cath   are in Marrakesh.
I recieve a phonecall from my brother Ziggy.
My Dad has suddenly died of a massive Heart Attack.
 Boxing Day 2016 I visit his & my    Mum's grave at Stoney Royd Halifax.
 I dont visit their graves often these days.I stand& wonder , why? The conclusion I come to is ,perhaps ,they are buried deep in my head ,not deep in that ground.
A bit of poetical nonesense.But true none the less........

At Christmas Mass......we sat with our neighbour the TV  actress     Eileen O'Brien 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here