Monday, January 09, 2017

The Human Forest.

Many thanks to photographer Adam Summerscales for kindly giving permission to use the image below  [his website]

Me & Cathy went to Dean Clough  in Halifax this afternoon. Several exhibitions are on.
I was  especially taken  by The Human Forest !
Street Photos by Adam Summerscales.Shot in Sheffield.
As well as being technically great.and having  arresting compositions, I loved how the people in the photos are (mostly ) unaware & uninterested .
They were getting on with their lives........reminding me of what street photography was like before digital  and CCTV arrived. 
.These days we  sense & expect surveillance.We strike a pose whenever a camera pops up.Ironically , the more we are photographed, the less we show of ourselves.
Somehow .Adam's photos catch people unaware and natural. Maybe its the  angle he shoots? Maybe people see only his  mobility scooter ?
you can visit Adam's website  [here] 
and learn more about him   & his   work and  see  the pictures.


Little Nell said...

That’s so true about striking a pose. It’s very difficult to get the natural ‘unawares’ candid shot these days.

tony said...

we all want our "15 Minutes of Fame".Damn You, Andy Warhol!

via GROK !