Friday, April 07, 2017

jesus in a basket

we   are   all playing  at dying......
My son Chris took this photo of me hanging-out in the Republblica Grimy region of Italy. Even i can get a little cross sometimes.Although (notice) i was still  vain enough to take my glasses off for a "photo opportunity".
a big ciao to all my visitors & "friends" in "Italy"

e 'altamente probabile che ........

La famiglia di mia moglie che vivono nella Repubblica Grimy  ,  sono così crudele stupido e prevedibile che la prima cosa che farà è andare e tradurre questo testo "Google Translate"! fica tristi

n.b.   for those who dont know the region ,  a  rough guide to The Repubblica Grimy can be found [ here]


Kurt said...

Just a hello, Tony. For some reason, feedly hasn't been notifying me when you post to your blog. Technology!

tony said...

Sorry About That Kurt.Hey-Hoy .I hope is well in New Trumpshire ?

Ann ODyne said...

just saw easter pastries in shape of a hand palm with raspberry jam centres. I have no words.

tony said...

The Rumours of Jesus's Tooth-Decay Might Well Be True........?

Kristin said...

A nice surprise to see my grandmother over there on the side representing my blog.
Something I vaguely remember is telling my sister or writing in a short story "sometimes I just like to lay here and pretend I'm crucified." That can't be a true memory...

Finding Eliza

tony said...

....That Big Crucifix Casts A Long Shadow.......

via GROK !