Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cath's Birthday in The Grimy Republic
Thanks to Martin , Tony T.,Daz & Jim for a splendid afternoon in Manchester.......
It's Cath's 59th birthday this weekend.

We went into Manchester Friday to see an Exhibition that opened yesterday  at Manchester Art Gallery. It's  Shirley Baker's
photos of Working Class Salford in the 60's.
Cath goes to The White Eagle Lodge in Rawden ,Leeds on the day of her Birthday.
They are almost like Family to her..........


Martin said...

Happy birthday weekend to Cath!

tony said...

Cheers Martin.

Ann ODyne said...

The silver lining is the happy birthday happening before The Terrible Thing.
Massive sympathy from me to all who are affected by the insane act of a madman, and sincerely hoping that no harm came to those closest to you.
x x

tony said...

Thank You Ann. As Far As I Know,We are not directly affected..though strange to see see so many familar places covered in Blood & Tears.Not only Manchester.....but BBC cameras were just showing Royton,near Oldham where some victims lived ( I have many friends in Royton)XXX

via GROK !