Wednesday, August 30, 2017

among these dark satanic mills

Gentrifying  The Grimy Republic It's a dirty job ,but someone has to do it.....
 Billy Blake's "Jerusalem " where he spoke of being 'among these dark satanic mills...', was written while he sat above Beacon Hill in Halifax ..(said Ken Kersey over a pint of locally brewed lager ,looking at this view)....

Only an accountant will tell you if the £19 million spent on the Halifax Piece Hall   
was worth the money? All I can say is, I was surprised today  how good it looks.
Me & Cath go next week to the opening of the new Halifax Library which is just next door to The Piece Hall.


REST IN PEACE     My longtime Blogspot buddy Andrew Keogh here is his obituary in The Guardian. he died of lung cancer aged 66, and was a barrister, blogger, writer and political activist. He  was  born in Leeds.An avid Leeds United.Gratful Dead & Coffee  fan.....(n.b.we also had  a mutual friend in  Clive A.
They went to the the early 70's)
  here is a link to "White Rabbit" to Andrew's  blogspot.Go on sweetly,dear legal man......
A bit of a dilemma for me this weekend .
 I keep getting pestered by google to allow this blog to be included on their AdSense programme.Because of my large(ish) number of visitors they have given me some quite generous estimates of how much i might "earn" each month. Essentially, each time you visit here,the more money Google gives me .The joy of capitalism.
 So what to do? Should I take the capitalist shilling which goes against the spirit of what i do here? On the other  hand , what google would give me would more than pay for my smugmug photo album subscription each month.
{n.b. never did it} At the  end of the day  I doubt I will take up this offer. But ,whatever , thank you kindly for each visit you make.Long may it continue.............


savannah said...

Great piece of music, sugar! I had to Goggle the location and like you, hope that the money invested will be worth it. Every time I see an old building being retrofitted/restored for some sort of adaptive reuse, high rents, astronomical sales prices, and/or shops that most people can't shop in seem to be the inevitable result. I wish y'all well! xoxo

tony said...

The annoying thing is ,although Piece Hall is a 'protected building'it surrounds are not...... it seems that the original cobbles inthe central square are not......they have been taken out and sold to the USA!

savannah said...

*sigh* I wonder where in the USA they're going?

tony said...

Not Sure.I will try & find out this space!

Kurt said...

Those cobbles will most likely become part of some soul-killing "themed zone."

tony said...

Indeed Kurt ......we are all Themed nowadaze........

Martin said...

It's always a pleasure to visit somewhere, when that somewhere actually makes you feel at home and in good company. More power to you, Tony!

tony said...

Thank You Martin.

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