Thursday, August 24, 2017

sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment

Me and Cathy with friends.

2nd left:My Aunty Brenda.

This week's sepia saturday
is around sepia ladies 'working out' in The Olden Days.

A fairly easy one for me this week.My Aunty Brenda travelled from

Scotland to Essex in the early 1900's.

It was a Ladies College.She  was training in Podiatry.

And this is how she did it.......

 it looks like she had her some fun.
This  must have been a quite liberating experience for a late-Victorian lass.......

From someone at the start of a someone at it's end.
I retired on Wednesday...... I went out into Hebden Bridge at 4pm this afternoon for a few nice drinks with some of the lassies from work.
On Friday 1st September (kick off 7.30pm) I will be having drinks in The White Lion in Hebden Bridge . All Welcome


Kurt said...

Congratulations on officially becoming a burden on the state!

tony said...

Well .........I've been a burden for many a long year already. I've just become a wrinkly burden now!

Kristin said...

Nice song and congratulations on your new freedom.

Postcardy said...

Interesting vintage photos. I don't think many people would have had photos of their exercises back then.

ScotSue said...

Auntie Brenda was a natural for this prompt - an ideal match. Enjoy your retirement - I recommend it!

Mike Brubaker said...

Action photos of our ancestors are always much better that formal staged photographs. And well done for crossing the bar, Tony! Time for something completely different?

smkelly8 said...

I loved the Victorians in action.

tony said...

Thanks To All .

Barbara Rogers said...

What a limber lady, and how super that there were photos taken of her poses! Congrats on your freedom. Now you get to wake up each day and it belongs to you. Major responsibility!

tony said...

Thanks Barbara.Let's hope my mind remains limber !

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here