Saturday, September 23, 2017

I Salute you Christopher.

As  Helen
mentions in the 'comments' section below , the arrangement in the picture is unusual.It is the house ,not the people who are given prominance. The group are almost incidental......
I keep searching the many widows to check if i see anybody is peeking at  us  outside...!
So,something of a mystery is this photograph.
 I found it among my Aunt Brenda's collection after she
Now,it was among many family photos taken in Canada & the USA at the turn of the century.
I know that the young Brenda travelled there with my grandfather & his first wife ( she died & he remarried my grandmother about ten years later).
Now her other photos of North America are clearly labelled.But she also had two different photos of this house ( basically .one with this family group & one without).These  were not labelled  in any way.......
The people in it  dont look like my grandfather & Brenda.Tho,so far away,I could be wrong about that......
A bit of a mystery.I cant say this looks like Canada or New York State...tho ,who knows?
this is a sepia saturday
The Mighty Harry Leslie Smith talks with the aide of sepia  photography in the above video. 
It's the UK Labour Party's Annual Conference next week.
The following week sees my son Christopher's  birthday.


Kristin said...

Nice tie in with the prompt, time traveling to the present.

La Nightingail said...

A 'window' on the world and well done.

Little Nell said...

Fascinating photo. Thats a very big house - or they were midgets!

tony said...

Or Both!

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

A marvelous house. The ceilings must have been incredibly high. It's an odd way to pose a group also. The palm fronds made me wonder if it was really Canada but Google tells me there are palms that can survive in that climate.

tony said...

Yes.Helen .A Mystery.
The house reminds me a little of a Deep South Paddle-Boat Steamer...!
Yes.The Grouping is strange.The very fact that they are given so little prominance......not sure what's "going on " here.

savannah said...

what a house!

tony said...

I know.....I wonder how many crimes paid for it?

Kurt said...

Perhaps they just had the house repainted and wanted to show the new look to all their friends.

tony said...

Indeed! Must Have Taken Tons of Paint.

Molly's Canopy said...

What a house! This post prompted me to try image search because I thought for sure someone, somewhere must have photographed this amazing structure and identified it. But no luck. The house is definitely the subject of this photo, with the people mere accessories...or positioned to show how gargantuan it is in comparison. What a shame not to be able to pinpoint its location more exactly.

tony said...

yes.My whole family history is hazy.Somany missing peices in the jigsaw!

tony said...


My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here