Friday, September 15, 2017

The Dream of Mrs L.L. Nicholson from Oakland, California (1924)

This is a sepia saturday
In 1924 California’s Tribune-American newspaper ran a competition for its readers to write in with their most unusual dreams and the winning entry was made into a short film.
 This is Mrs L.L. Nicholson from Oakland’s dream of losing her baby, rowing across San Francisco Bay, picking up some fish, and eventually discovering her lost child in a most unusual place and in trouble with the law. ............. If you enjoyed , then check out this link for many more sepia movies...... 


Kurt said...

What a great piece of history.

Molly's Canopy said...

Great post, Tony. I don't know what I enjoyed more -- the movie or the music! And to think it was actually the contestant acting out her own dream.

tony said...

I am currently "in talks " with Cronenberg............

Barbara Rogers said...

How enjoyable, a cute short, with wonderful city/cars background from the times! Definitely enjoyable Sepian!

La Nightingail said...

How very creative of you to find such a fun thing to post. Nice going!

Mike Brubaker said...

I've had anxiety dreams like that! But sometimes they never really end but fade out leaving no resolution!
And I get so easily lost in the Prelinger Archives that I might need rescuing too!

tony said...

"...... and, then, I woke up....and it was all a dream....!" :)

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Marvelous! and Mrs. Nicholson played herself. In my dreams, Audrey Hepburn
plays me. The fish part is really funny. Was this a unique contest for the times?
The music was great!! I'm running out of adjectives — just a splendid post.

tony said...

Yes Helen it's a brilliant movie! here is further info on the newspaper competition .

Kristin said...

The husband's boating skills were on a par with his driving skills. Perhaps the baby would have been the better driver. How funny to write up your dream and get to act in it AND get $25!

tony said...

I Know Kristin,the concept of being paid for your dreams is a good one!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here