Thursday, September 14, 2017

Kentucky has entered the building

One of my photos
or view on smugmug......
"elderly people who have unfulfilled wishes..".
 love that shit! Where would you like me to begin?
the view from inside  the Hebden Bridge Trades Club today
Picked tickets up this & Cath now go see Louisville singer Joan Shelley at Hebden Bridge Trades Club on Sunday night.
 (As is usually the case) I will keep adding/taking away stuff in this post over the next few days.
I will also  attempt the tricky task of trying to translate the post into Kentuckyanese but I'm really not promising anything on that !
At the moment I will pop a few Joan Shelley videos below.These i may replace eventually with my photos/ video from Sunday's gig


Ann ODyne said...

Kentucky gave us the monument that is Miss Dolly Parton.
and the Kentucky Headhunters.
the Derby and the blue grass.

tony said...

........& Fried Chicken & lots of horses.....! (come to think) KFC always gives me the 'trots' ....:)

Kurt said...

I didn't know they had pretty ladies in Kentucky!

tony said...

when i was 19 (working in a London Youth Hostel) I kissed a girl from Detroit. She didnt even have no rust on her belt!More innocent times i guess.........?

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here