Friday, October 27, 2017

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears" :Rumiی

This week's sepia saturday theme is around "Parades". I share a photo below  of The Halifax  Charity Gala Parade sometime in the70's.
I was a Samartian Volunteer for 7 years in Halifax. ( n.b.The Samaritans are a suicide support line)
You can read much more  about that here 
During my searches for this post I  also came across This   
wonderful video of 1950's Halifax.Included (17 minutes in ) is the Gala Parade through the town center  and at Manor Heath..Copyright prevents me from embedding here, but it's worth a view here 
my own photo from a later Gala Parade.It's not me in the bath !
جلال‌الدین محمد رومی

  Photos of me out for a curry with friends on Thursday night.


Molly's Canopy said...

Love the bathtub photo -- very clever float idea for a charity parade! And the curry dinner photos are fun as well. Always great getting together with friends, especially if the food is excellent :-)

Wendy said...

HA - what a fun float, much more light-hearted than the organization's purpose would indicate.

Jofeath said...

A good idea to cheer people up and to see the funny side of things if at all possible. Great float - shame you weren't in the bath yourself!

Barbara Rogers said...

Cute float indeed, and I hope there wasn't really water in the tub, or those folks waving would have been really prunes by the end of the parade!

Kristin said...

Nice bath photo but I had to wonder why there was a subtitle in Arabic underneath?

You are lucky to have so many friends to socialize with so close around. I guess that is an advantage to not moving around as often as I have, your whole life.

Mike Brubaker said...

Rub-a-dub tub indeed. Looks like a boys night out too.

Kurt said...

Curious to know what year your photo is from.

tony said...

'not sure Kurt.At a guess late-70's given the young lad's haircut.
Kristin , that's Rumi's persian name.It kinda slipped down the page!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here