Wednesday, November 15, 2017

3 studio photos

The prompt for this week's sepia saturday is "studio photos"
 I give you 3 of mine.
 My grandma Helen who died in childbirth.
My mum as a newborn orphan with nurse instead of mother.

 My poor wee orphaned Mum

All were shot in Edinburgh in the early 1920s.


Kurt said...

Poor Wee Orphaned Mum! A good name for an album.

tony said...

Gillian Welch might sing the harmony?

Ann ODyne said...

Grandmother was beautiful. Death in childbirth has got to be the worst thing.
It's not even avoidable these days. The USA has a dreadful 'rate per 1000 births'.
Love the special dolly and ribboned dress on your mum, and Father reflected in the mirror of the Nurse photo? Thanks for sharing.

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Is that your father in the reflection. Poor Mom. Three treasures here.

La Nightingail said...

Poor wee Mom, losing a mother before she ever knew her. But orphaned? She did have a father, did she not? And truly, poor papa, losing his wife because he knew what is was to lose someone you knew and loved. Lovely pictures.

Joanne Casey said...

This is very sad :(

Kristin said...

A whole book in these three photos.

Molly's Canopy said...

Amazing how three simple photos can tell such a heartbreaking story of love and loss. Your grandmother looks so beautiful in the first photo. How difficult for your mom to have to grow up without her.

smkelly8 said...

My favorite is the last with that little girl's serious look.

Barbara Rogers said...

Beautiful portrait photos, which tell so much about how lives are touched by the loss of one person in a family.

tony said...

The Chap taking the 2nd photo must have been the photographer ,i think.

Jofeath said...

Very sad to lose your mother like that and of course there might be some feeling of guilt as your Mum grew up, ie. thinking that she was the cause of her mother's death. A pretty portrait of her solemnly holding the beautiful doll, although it may well have belonged to the photographer.

Mike Brubaker said...

Well done. As Kristin says a book in three photos. I agree that the man in the mirror (another song title?) is likely the photographer, but it is cool accidental detail.

tony said...

yes Jo .Although she never said as much,I'm sure that along with the loneliness & sadness for something (she knew) she never could or would experience...there must have been an element of (albeit unjustified) guilt.

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here