Sunday, December 24, 2017

love isn't done

love & respect at Christmas to you my visitor.

A Christmas Card sent in 1907 from Saranac Lake by my  Grandfather in  New York State to the family back home in Scotland.....
See other photos from  my Aunty Brenda's Collection here:
Read about Saranac here:
 This is a  sepia saturday post   

Magda Davitt (Sinead O’Connor) 
With the Ulster Orchestra. Live at the Waterfront Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland; May 12, 2008. 
a lovely song about Christmas time & family love & loss ....... 
me & Cath went to Christmas Eve Mass  in  Mytholmroyd.

 Tu Spoczywa 
Wladyslaw Zimnoch 
(14th Feb 1917-26th Dec1984)


savannah said...

Happy Christmas to you and yours! xoxo

tony said...

Thank You Savvy . A Merry Time for You & Yours also. X

Kurt said...

My Christmas is just starting, while yours is half over! Something to do with the rotation of the earth. Happy Christmas!

tony said...

Merry Rotations Kurt!

Mike Brubaker said...

I wish you and yours a joyful new year, Tony, full of good cheer.

tony said...

Thank You Mike. Best Wishes To You & Yours

Barbara Rogers said...

Hope you've been having good holidays and may your new year have health and happiness.

tony said...

Thank You Barbara.
Christmas Greetings Good Wishes To You & Yours X

Jofeath said...

Oh for a snowy Christmas! Best wishes to you Tony, from sunny Hawks Nest, NSW, Australia, where we are spending Christmas at the beach.

tony said...

Thanks Jo .I hope you had a good Christmas....I was going to spend Christmas Day on Blackpool Beach , but didnt want to get sand on my (frozen) turkey.......!

Kristin said...

Happy Christmas greetings a bit late.

tony said...

Happy Christmas Kristin XXX
(I am even later!'just moving house & full of flu but 'will be around to everybody real soon)
My Bestest Wishes to you & your beautiful family .

Little Nell said...

A little late with my Christmas wishes but I’m in time to say Happy New Year!

tony said...

Thank You Nell X My Best Wishes For 2018 X

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here