Saturday, January 06, 2018


another of Brenda's Saranac Photos .Lots of fine hats & bonnets......Part of the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival

my contribution to the first sepia saturday of 2018 is around the theme of "hats". 
To see the contributions of others , visit here
I dont own a hat. I tend to borrow from others........
in 2008 i was a member of Grant's Stag Party in Benidorm.Most of the lads were from an Oldham rugby club .Grant was ,at the time,on St.Helens books. Mick (pictured with me) is an ex-prop forward with Oldham RLFC.We all went as members of Village People ( i was the token Polish Plumber).It was so fucking hot.....I had hold my moustache as the sweat prevented it sticking properly.......see other photos here
2005 in the car park of a shoppimg mall in Northampton, was Febuary & freezing...My son,  Chris,pictured next to me.We were guests of my good Muslim  friend Ayse who was studying in New England at the time. a grand photo i took of Chris & Ayse.
at the 2015 Peterloo Massacre Memorial in Manchester.See more photos here .( i took a lot of photos of famous TV & Movie 'faces')  Actually that IS my own hat...but I look a bit of a prune wearing it.(Its in a drawer, somewhere.........!)

n.b. See more of my photos


Postcardy said...

I like the Liberty hat!

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Great Peterloo Massacre Memorial hat and a terrific set of photos of the event! On the first photo, perhaps because we've had record cold in New York for the last three weeks I can't help but think that the fellow at the left is probably wearing his pajama bottoms AND long underwear under his trousers :-)

Mike Brubaker said...

Practical caps, political caps, and silly caps. All with a purpose. A shame you didn't get a photo of your village people in a dance line.

tony said...

well Mike this was the closest I got. It is kinda tricky doing the YMCA hand-gestures & photographing them as well...especial when un-sober!
Yes Molly I saw the TV images last night in Boston. Looks tricky...
Postcardy,they were selling the Liberty Caps at the memorial .My one regret was buying the 'regular 'version rather than the fetching 'droopy'ones (similar in style to those worn by the Snow White's 7 Darwfs!)

tony said...

La Nightingail said...

A nice warm take on the prompt! :) I really like that first photo. What a bunch of fun folks!

Little Nell said...

Not a prune - just cheerful, and, most of all, warm!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here