Thursday, January 25, 2018

drinking in dirty dick's:

I went drinking in Halifax tonight with Phil the X-Fireman & Comrade Ken. Hurrah! If you can push past the child drunkard,you will see a slideshow of tonight's photos.......

I'm pushing my luck here a bit!This week's sepia saturday
is around 'rooms' & 'interiors '.......I visited a haunted pub in Halifax tonight.
I realise I'm stretching things a tad!
On a positive note , you can buy  here:
a sepian postcard of 'tony the child drunkard' to amuse friends,family & postmen across the world........

click here for all tonight's photos Dirty Dicks is a well-known Inn in the centre of Halifax for ghost stories and hauntings. It was mentioned in the book Haunted Halifax by Kai Roberts.
 “Most notable is the spectre of an unknown woman wearing seventeenth century Puritan or Quaker dress, who had been vividly witnessed by a customer around forty years earlier. The second presence was imagined to belong to the son of the last landlord of the original pub, prior to its demolition in 1929. This unfortunate young man is supposed to have burnt to death when a sparkling ember from the hearth set his clothes alight”. 
 The pubs third otherworldly resident, whose history is not connected to the pub, but with the ship from which it was built. The third ghost is a spirit of an unfortunate seaman who was fatally injured when the ordnance he was moving aboard the HMS Newcastle exploded. ........"

download here :copyright free"Temperance melodies consisting of English Welsh and American airs adapted to the temperance movement"
Saturday is Holocaust Memorial Day .It might be worth saying that British politician Nigel Farage and his (former) party UKIP.are really just a rebooted brand of National Socalism.The very ideology that informed the Holocaust.The smell lingers on......the ghosts remain......
Postscript: Sunday 28th January.I just got sent (unsolicited) this:  Job Spec for a post in Devon.Sounds really interesting.Might  lure me out of retirement? Right up my street!
A Freelance Oral Historian .
"The Beaford Archive is a photographic record of people and community in rural north Devon containing more than 80,000 images covering the 120-year period 1870 to 1990. 
 According to the Royal Photographic Society, it is “…a unique body of work, unparalleled, at least in this country, for its scale and quality”.
 However, few of these images are currently accessible to the public. ........ a major conservation and digitisation exercise that will curate and publish online around 10,000 unseen images that together illustrate the late 20th Century social history of rural north Devon. ............. 
• Digitising, cataloguing, archiving and publishing to the web approximately 10,000 existing 35mm black and white negatives from the James Ravilious and Roger Deakins Beaford Archives • Production of a new fully searchable website to provide a showcase for existing digitised work, newly digitised images and audio, and new work as it is produced 
• A programme of oral history, learning and community activity which will create new work and engage people in learning and education... 
I have family down in Devon ('could even be really cheeky and ask for a Reference!)
What could possibly go wrong?


Postcardy said...

I am confused about your first image--is that a real postcard you can buy that says 'Tony' The Child Drunkard?

Sandra Williamson said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun

tony said...

* blushes! sorry! I went back and rechecked my post.I made a mistake with the links.I have now corrected. this is the postcard link.

Mike Brubaker said...

Oh, the sorrow of a young life wasted by temptation of the demon drink! Have you taken the cure then?

tony said...

The only cure I know for a 'young wasted life' is to become old........... :)

Wendy said...

You might enjoy visiting Dirty Dicks Crab House in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Their slogan: "I got crabs at Dirty Dicks."

tony said...

'get me a crab supper & make it snappy....!'

tony said...

Apologies to BARBARA i seem to have mis-published this comment
" Barbara Rogers has left a new comment on your post "drinking in dirty dick's:":

My folks were teetotalers and I had an alcoholic grandma....but I do enjoy a sip every once in a while! Sad to think of a child being drunk, however. "
I find it curious,i never thought that Tony was a common Victorian name?

Kristin said...

Poor kid probably got hooked from the brandy the doctor recommended to build up his constitution.

La Nightingail said...

I was in a melodrama play a 'few' years ago entitled "Ten Nights in a Barroom". As the heroine vs. the villain, I survived perils galore, and what fun!

Molly's Canopy said...

I agree with Kristin...probably alcohol in the child's meds. However, that pub looks splendid with live music and everything! Definitely a wonderful interior space for this week's prompt.

tony said...

In some ways,my early childhood ( say,pre-11)was worse than this child drunkard!I have always suffered from asthma. In the days prior to inhalers (eg 'Ventolin') some English doctors used to prescribe Methdrine a powerful amphetamine.
I was told by a nurse recently that it is now a banned substance in the UK that is not prescribed for anything.
Now! although i do have quite bad is also quite easy to fake.
So ,as a wee mite,if i fancied a day off school,I would wheeze in front of my mum...she might pop a pill in my mouth, and I would spend the day 'tripping' in bed!Much like the 'Tony' in the drawing...........!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here