Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Fuck your sharia court : your fatwa: your old testament gods.....

Manchester 2nd feb 2018

"You don't divide up an empire with a handshake. You have to cut it with a knife"Robert Saviano.

"Saviano took the reader inside a world of moral rot, where values were upside down, love was replaced by hatred, life with death, and people were turned into guinea pigs to test drugs. Basic human decency had been lost. Many of those who lived in that hell had started to accept it as normal. It was not, Saviano told us......." Read More:
Roberto Saviano (the author of the book it was based on);  Live at the Bristol Festival of Ideas. 
Wednesday's on Sky Atlantic at 9pm sees the start of Series 3 of " Gomorrah". Shakepeare with an automatic rifle. Try catch it.
Me  in a Pennadomo cafe.( i failed the audition) +here -->some old images of me in Italy

Below.Full political interview with the author ,in Bristol.
Manchester 2nd Feb 2018. 

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