Saturday, January 20, 2018

when i leave ,you will be dancing on my grave.............

I just booked two tickets to go see Young Fathers at O2 Ritz in Manchester on Friday 23rd March.
Great to see that the splendid Afro-Edinburgh hip-hop band Young Fathers have a new tour & album out.
They have been giving a wee silence recently.
Me & Cath saw them play live in March 2015 ,around the time they were awarded the Mercury Prize.
My photos& videos from that gig can be viewed here:
one of my photos.


Martin said...

Been away from blogland for a number of weeks. On my return, I find plenty of goodies waiting for me at your place. All topped off with Young Fathers. Result!

tony said...

Welcome Back Martin.
Yes,they are a special band!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here