Wednesday, February 21, 2018

sepia saturday 407

I take this week's sepia saturday    to be about bicycles. 
The sepia movie   was shot in 1952 (the year i was born & christened "Karol") 
Its called "how friendly are you?"
 It Stars a young lad called Karl
I imagine its purpose   was school/education -related?
A splendid evocation of that period.
Charmingly innocent.(although I worry slightly about all that "fudge"!) 
Whatever.An important & timeless topic.
I can imagine it was a good way into a subject that kids will always find difficult to acknowledge.
It's a pity nobody filmed the audience resposes......that would have been even more interesting than the film itself.


Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Such a sweet, nostalgic look back. I was 10 in 1952 and might have seen the film at school. I loved watching it —the innocence of those times. Who would have dreamed that in the future kids would have a thousand Facebook friends on their phones—friends they'd never had to see, or be nice to or share with. Was being known as Karol like being a boy named "Sue?" Great post.

tony said...

Helen, I was christened "Karol Anthony Zimnoch".( a Polish thing)..
but I kept the "Karol-bit" a secret all the way through school ! I would never have made the school rugby team ,as a hooker , had it been common knowledge!
Eat Your Heart Out, Johnny Cash!

tony said...

just a reminder! I never publish Anonymous comments.This (of course)doesnt mean I dont love tou.

tony said...

"tou" ="You" my keyboard is a tad sticky.......

Kurt said...

Hey - my middle name is Anthony, too.

Although here in the states we pronounce the TH just like we do in every other word with a TH.

tony said...

That's right Kurt.In UK the "H" is silent (it sounds tres posh otherwise!)

La Nightingail said...

Was "Karol" pronounced like the feminine 'Carol', or was it pronounced 'Karl'? My husband's father's first name was Francis, but his middle name was Anthony so he went by 'Tony'. There are several names that can go either way depending on the spelling: Carroll as opposed to Carol, Francis instead of Frances, Marion rather than Marian, Gale/male, Gail/female but not always. I remember a popular 50s TV actress by the name of Gale Storm. :)

Kathy said...

I worried about that instant fudge too. Karl's big brother grew up to be Darren Stevens and marry a good witch named Samantha. I was "bewitched" by the film!

Mike Brubaker said...

Films like this were time fillers to be used in a classroom whenever a substitute teacher took charge. Silly plots for moralistic propaganda. They probably made some about the Red-Scare too. The concert at the end by the shy young pianist was a cute idea.

21 Wits said...

Congrats on being top of the class and a lovely capture as well!

Little Nell said...

I recognised Samantha the witch’s husband too! The acting here was a bit am dram, but it got the point across.

Wendy said...

What's wrong with Karl that he couldn't pass Eddie and Ray when they stopped to check out that box of fudge mix?

Barbara Rogers said...

Yay for Darren, Samantha's hubby. He wasn't too shy.

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