Saturday, February 24, 2018

Strange Face in Halifax.

Me & Cath went to Square  Chapel    Halifax  last night to  see  Strange face: Adventures in a lost Nick Drake recording
A full house .
Watch below a you tube video for background of the project.
Michael Burdett is a lovely bloke who talked and held the audience comforably for over two hours.
Ironically Amusingly.I had wanted to take a photo of Michael talking during the show ,but such things it seems are copyrighted...........
Instead ,I share a photo of me in Halifax in the early 70's (channelling my 'inner-drake' )I was one of those (very) rare souls who actually bought a Nick Drake album (Pink Moon)  in his lifetime.
Below ,some photos from  the past 2 days...........
You can "borrow" this book for 14 days .Simply go here: for free download (it's copyright free)


Kurt said...

If you still have your copy of Pink Moon, they are going for a pretty penny these days.

tony said...

being an eejit ...when CD's arrived I rebought all his stuff and sold the original LP's.
I have a habit of doing stuff like that.
When I lived in Cheshire ,John Lennon was shot & i bought the local copy of THE LIVERPOOL ECHO("LENNON MURDERED " was something like it's headline).I thought nothing of its future value &threw the paper away the next day.That's probably valuable now?
Silly Me!

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here