Wednesday, March 28, 2018

the British monarch is descended from the Prophet Muhammad

Cathy's Spring Flowers - Rainbow Tulips.

"QUEEN ELIZABETH must claim her right to rule Muslims.” 
So ran a recent headline on the Arab Atheist Network, a web forum. 
It was only partly in jest. According to reports from Casablanca to Karachi, the British monarch is descended from the Prophet Muhammad, making her a cousin of the kings of Morocco and Jordan, not to mention of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader. 

 The claim, first made many years ago, is gathering renewed interest in the Middle East. Why is not clear, but in March a Moroccan newspaper called Al-Ousboue traced the queen’s lineage back 43 generations. Her bloodline runs through the Earl of Cambridge, in the 14th century, across medieval Muslim Spain, to Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter. 

[The Economist] 

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